Mark Litzelman has submitted his record breaking Shiras Moose, taken with a muzzle loader to the Longhunter Society Big Game Record Books.
Talking about the Evolution of Muzzle Loaders with the Backcountry Rookies Podcast
Bringing a Muzzleloader Only Hunting Season to Montana - Caleb Hinkle (UPDATED)
CVA Optima Review from "Josh and Hunter's Adventures"
2020 LHS Photo Contest Voting Now open!
Voting is now open for the 2020-2021 Longhunter Society Photo Contest.
To vote for your favorite photos, please "like" each of the photos you enjoy, and share with your friends!
On February 15, 2021, all of the votes will be counted and a winner in each class, Flintlock, Inline, and Percussion will be chosen.
Muzzleloader Load Data for Blackhorn 209
Shared from, this information is intended to provide reference for muzzleloading hunters looking to use Blackhorn 209 as their muzzleloading substitute for hunting season. Click here to open the document in a new window.
Sitka Hunt on Central Prince of Wales Island | Muzzle Blasts Archives
FLAT TOP ELK HUNT | Muzzle Blasts Archives April 2020
Four a.m. comes early wherever you are. Early morning is just as dark in the Colorado Flat Top mountain range as it is in Coshocton, Ohio. The hunt prep routine is different. Instead of hopping into a pickup, then onto an ATV, my partner and I were saddling our horses and loading the equipment we prepared yesterday afternoon. It would be an hour ride to the jump-off point for our morning elk hunt.
What is the best load for a Lyman Great Plains Flintlock in 54 Cal, 1:60 Twist | Ask the Experts
3 Years of Developing the CVA Paramount Pro
Catch this new video from the NMLRA, we talk with Tony Smotherman at CVA about what went into working on the new paramount pro.
Read more from the NMLRA
Techniques for aging Pewter and other Tin Alloys
What is the best load for a Thompson Center Hawken?
Questions and answers from Facebook
“For those shooting a TC Hawken with a 1 in 48 twist barrel, what is your bestload? Bullet and Powder.
-Darrel Flurry
Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.
Michael S. “Roundball, 60 and 120 gr FFG. Plains bullet, 90Grs FFFG. Mine is a 54 caliber.”
Mike J. “Mine shoots good with 70 gr. BlackMZ and a.490 ball. .015 patch.”
Paul R. “Roundball 65 gr, lee real 75 gr”
Jeffery R “300 grain sabot, 100grns loose powder, fff works if your gun is clean and dry.
James B “90 gr. Goex FFF cut pillow ticking spit patch .490 round ball”
Here’s a photo Todd Shared.
Todd T “100 grains Goex 2f, .54 cal home cast Lyman Plains lubed with 45/45/10 with a felt wad between powder and bullet. Can’t wait to run one through an elk.”
Tony G “80 grains ff 490 ball 015 patch”
Dale N “My 45 50 grs RB, 60 grs maxi. My 50 60 grs RB, 80 grs maxi”
Fred W “Same as Bob above, 70gr 2f 490 orb .015 pillow ticking patch Goex BLACK POWDER ONLY.”
David C “40 gr FFg, lubed .015 patch with .490 round ball for paper at 25 yds. 85 gr FFg, same patch and ball, for hunting.”
Visit the “Muzzleloading” Facebook Group for more great posts like this!
If you’d like to join in on the conversation, head on over to our NMLRA Facebook Group! The group is open to anyone who is interested in Muzzleloaders and living history as long as they follow the rules.
Find out more about the NMLRA
Top 10 Videos with Muzzle Loaders to watch during COVID 19
What's new from Thompson Center in 2020? New Muzzleloaders from Thompson Center
T/C Arms Brand Manager Danielle walks us through Thompson Center’s 2020 Muzzleloader line and shares some interesting updates to their bolt action centerfire line.