Record Breaking Wyoming/Shiras Moose taken with a muzzleloader!
Bringing a Muzzleloader Only Hunting Season to Montana - Caleb Hinkle (UPDATED)
2020 Longhunter Society Photo Contest Winners!
The CVA Paramount HTR- Everything you need to know
2020 LHS Photo Contest Voting Now open!
Voting is now open for the 2020-2021 Longhunter Society Photo Contest.
To vote for your favorite photos, please "like" each of the photos you enjoy, and share with your friends!
On February 15, 2021, all of the votes will be counted and a winner in each class, Flintlock, Inline, and Percussion will be chosen.
New Record American Elk taken with a Muzzleloader | Longhunter Society
New Record Black Bear taken with a Muzzleloader | Longhunter Society
Big Ugly | Longhunter Journal
Moose with a Muzzeloader | Muzzle Blasts Archives
The Rut was Cranking Up | Longhunter Journal
Sitka Hunt on Central Prince of Wales Island | Muzzle Blasts Archives
The 2020 Longhunter Society Photo Contest is now open!
We're back for another year of muzzleloader hunting with the 2020 Longhunter Society Photo Contest! Share your muzzleloader hunting photos with us using #NMLRALonghunter2020 for your chance to win an NMLRA prize pack!
Jordan Walsh | Hunting on this season of "The Rifleman" exclusively with Muzzle Loaders
What's your favorite inline for whitetail deer? What's your go to bullet and charge? | Ask the Experts
The July 2020 Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match
July 25-26 marked the second “Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match” here at NMLRA headquarters in Friendship, Indiana.
Marksmen began arriving Friday night to get their gear sighted in on the NMLRA range. Some shooters remarked that our range behaves unlike any other range as they dialed in their scopes for expected crosswinds.