CVA — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA


What's your favorite inline for whitetail deer? What's your go to bullet and charge? | Ask the Experts

What's your favorite inline for whitetail deer?  What's your go to bullet and charge? | Ask the Experts

When using a inline Muzzleloader what’s everyone’s go to bullet and charge ?

For whitetail deer and what’s your favorite inline muzzleloader

The July 2020 Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match

The July 2020 Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match

July 25-26 marked the second “Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match” here at NMLRA headquarters in Friendship, Indiana.

Marksmen began arriving Friday night to get their gear sighted in on the NMLRA range. Some shooters remarked that our range behaves unlike any other range as they dialed in their scopes for expected crosswinds.

3 Years of Developing the CVA Paramount Pro

Catch this new video from the NMLRA, we talk with Tony Smotherman at CVA about what went into working on the new paramount pro.

Read more from the NMLRA

CVA Paramount Pro - Everything you need to know | Long Range Muzzleloading with CVA

We catch up with Tony Smotherman from CVA and get the scoop on the new CVA Paramount Pro. The new Paramount Pro advances on CVA’s Paramount line hoping to bring advanced precision to modern muzzleloader hunters.