The Longhunter Society

Hunting with a muzzleloading gun is a magical experience. It takes the exhilarating sport of hunting one step further by combining the one-shot challenge of muzzleloading hunting with the nostalgic awareness that it has been done this way for well over 250 years.

The Longhunter Society was formed in 1988 by the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association to promote muzzleloading hunting throughout North America. It brings deserved recognition to hunters who have chosen to pursue North American big game with the type of guns used by their forefathers.

longhuntersoc logo - CLR.png

The Longhunter Society recognizes the increased challenge accepted by muzzleloading hunters who abide by stated fair chase standards. We also honor the trophy animals taken with muzzleloading guns, The Longhunter Society fully supports the conservation of all North American Wildlife. Continuing the effort to preserve habitat and manage wildlife resources is crucial to the preservation of our sport.

For all information concerning The Longhunter Society contact the NMLRA office at (812) 432-2670.

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The Longhunter Society

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The Longhunter Society Policies

1. The Longhunter Society reserves the right to reject any trophy entry that fails to fully satisfy entry requirements.

2. The Longhunter Society does not accept velvet antlers for entry into our record book program.

3. The Longhunter Society only accepts trophies taken with muzzleloaders using black powder or a recognized black powder substitute as its propellant.

4. If you are hunting with a muzzleloader and you use a modern firearm to assist in taking a trophy, it will not be eligible for entry into the national muzzle loading rifle association’s Longhunter Muzzleloading Big Game Record Book.

However, if it is legal in the state where you are hunting to carry a muzzleloading handgun, and you administer the killing shot with this type pistol or revolver, then the animal may be measured for possible entry into our records.

Longhunter Big Game Record Book
from $5.00

5. The Longhunter Society accepts bison entries taken in the following areas only if they are taken on a fair chase hunt in an area where they are recognized as wildlife(rather than as domestic livestock) and where a specific hunting license and/or big game tag is required for their taking:

1. House Rock Ranch-Arizona

2. Alaska

3. Henry Mountains Range-Utah

4. Pink Mountain Canada Herd-Canada

5. Northern Yukon Herd

6. Custer State Park and Crow Reservation(only if the hunter is issued a permit from the Park or reservation.)