CVA Optima Review from "Josh and Hunter's Adventures"
The CVA Paramount HTR- Everything you need to know
[Updated] The Paramount HTR - What is CVA's new rifle for 2021? .40 Precision Muzzleloader?
What's your favorite inline for whitetail deer? What's your go to bullet and charge? | Ask the Experts
July 2020 APEX HUNTER Long Range Precision Muzzle Loading Rifle Match | NMLRA
The July 2020 Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match
July 25-26 marked the second “Long Range Muzzle Loading Hunter Match” here at NMLRA headquarters in Friendship, Indiana.
Marksmen began arriving Friday night to get their gear sighted in on the NMLRA range. Some shooters remarked that our range behaves unlike any other range as they dialed in their scopes for expected crosswinds.
What is the best inline muzzle loader for under $500? | Ask the Experts
Announcing the NMLRA Long Range Muzzleloading Hunter Match, July 25-26, 2020
Now with $2,400 in Prizes!
July 25 and 26, Shoot Saturday or Sunday or Both. Same course of fire both days
(Not an Aggregate)
$30.00 for one day, $50.00 for both days. Medals for 3 places. Apex Hunter side match after main match $20.00 pay in, winner take all.
Practice period 0800-0900, Shooter Meeting at 0930
Drawings for gift certificates and merchandise:
2- Vortex Optics gift certificates valued up to $800.00 each.
1-Arrowhead Rifles gift certificate value $100.00
2- Fury Bullets gift certificates valued at $50.00 each
$500.00 in EGW gift certificates
15 lb. weight limit as shot. Rifles will be weighed at registration.
Any sight- open-peep-scope.
Black Powder or black powder substitute, Maximum Allowed by Powder or Rifle Manufacturer. No Smokeless Powder
Front and rear rest allowed, must be separate. (No lead sled type rests)
Course of fire main match:
15 shots for score.
Spotters Allowed.
5 full size Silhouette animals at 300 Meters, 385 Meters, and 500 yards.
3 sighter shots at each yard line.
18 minutes per scoring relay.
APEX HUNTER Match Course of fire
No spotter allowed.
Yardage and Target announced at shoot
Limited to first 20 shooters
Special Prize drawing for APEX Hunter Shooters
Match Director reserves the right to make any changes to rules, course of fire, or safety concerns as deemed necessary.
Arrowhead Rifles - 319-558-8621
Fury Bullets - 810-404-2973
Vortex Optics - 800-4Vortex
EGW - (215) 538-1012
The Beauty Shoppe- 812-621-0085 Friendship, IN
Friendship Tavern & Restaurant- 812-667-2337 Friendship, IN
The Race Guns of Muzzleloader Hunting | NMLRA Inline Hunter Match | May 2020
3 Years of Developing the CVA Paramount Pro
Catch this new video from the NMLRA, we talk with Tony Smotherman at CVA about what went into working on the new paramount pro.
Read more from the NMLRA
What is the CVA Paramount Pro | NMLRA
In a previous version of this story we incorrectly stated that the new CVA Paramount Pro used powder pellets instead of loose powder. We have corrected the story to reflect that the paramount pro uses 150 grains of loose Blackhorn 209 by volume, which is 105 by weight.
Muzzle Blasts was fortunate enough to meet with Tony Smotherman, one of the developers behind CVA’s new line of long range muzzle loaders at SHOT Show 2020. Tony was kind enough to walk NMLRA President Brent Steele and Vice President Jeff Cunningham through the new rifle and how it will perform for long range muzzleloading hunters around the United States.

The new Paramount Pro advances on CVA’s Paramount line hoping to bring advanced precision to modern muzzleloader hunters. Available in .50 and .45 caliber to appease big game rules of Colorado and Idaho, the Paramount Pro is also available with a scoped and open sight option to pass regulations in western states.
We’ll have a full video with Tony from CVA out soon, but for now we hope this can answer some of the common questions we are seeing.
How much does the new CVA Paramount Pro Cost?
From the literature we picked up at the SHOT Show, actual retail price for the Paramount Pro is $1667.95, not a cheap rifle by any means, but CVA backed up this cost that a comparable custom muzzleloader runs between $1,000 and $1800+.
What is the range for the CVA Paramount Pro?
According to CVA, the Paramount Pro is sub minute of angle at 400 yards direct from the factory. CVA is certainly going after the mis conception that muzzleloaders, but modern and traditional are only good out to 100 yards with the new Paramount Pro.
What kind of primer does the CVA Paramount Pro Use?
In line with CVA’s other long range muzzleloaders, they are using a large rifle primer as the ignition source.
What kind of bullet does the CVA Paramount Pro Use?
The CVA Paramount Pro uses a 280 grain power belt bullet, shooting it at 2400 feet per second.
How much powder does the Paramount Pro Use?
The powder charge of the Paramounts is 150 grains of Blackhorn 209 by volume, which is 105 by weight.
What’s the deal with that muzzle break?
This is the first time CVA has included threaded barrels muzzle breaks in their rifles. With the 150 grains of powder, you can expect some recoil, but CVA claims the muzzle break reduces recoil by 50%.
Won’t that mess with reloading?
The Paramount Pro comes with a funnel to aid in powder pouring through the muzzle break. The break is also designed to guide our charge into the barrel, not allowing it to fall out.
We know cleaning is important for muzzleloaders, so we asked about it. Tony said the muzzle break is designed to dump the cleaning patch out of the largest hole on the muzzle break when you pull the patch out, a feature they are excited about.
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The NMLRA and Muzzle Blasts have been an authority on muzzleloading since 1933. This article was not sponsored or paid for, we feel it is our job to bring you the most up to date news as possible on the world of Muzzleloading, be it living history, competitive shooting, or hunting
What is Hodgdon Triple Eight, and when will it be available to the public?
Hodgdon 888 or Hodgdon Triple Eight, as it’s known is a totally new blackpowder substitute announced at SHOT Show 2020. Not much is known about this new powder from the makers of GOEX, but we do know a few things.
Hodgdon boasts it’s “clean burning” properties, we assume this means hunters won’t need to clean their rifles as frequently as in the past. This is a hurtle to hunters interested in Muzzleloading.
Right now it’s available exclusively in Federal’s new “Fire Stick”, a new charge casing designed for the Traditon’s NitroFire Rifles
When will Hodgdon Triple Eight (888) be available to home reloaders?
We spoke with representatives from both Hodgdon and Traditions at SHOT Show 2020, and right now there are no plans to release Hodgdon Triple Eight to the public. It has been designed specifically for the Federal Fire Stickand Traditions Nitro Fire Rifles.
Rest assured, Muzzle Blasts will be reporting on these new developments in the world of Muzzleloading as soon as they happen.
November 2nd Inline Silhouette Match at the Walter Cline Range
Congratulations to Bob Wetzler for taking top honors today at NMLRA inline silhouette match.
Some incredible shooting today by all competitors.
3 shooters went 19 for 20 and came down to shoot off for the win.
Course of fire was
5 chicken 200m
5 pigs 300m
5 Turkey 420yds
5 rams 500 yds
Shoot off at 500 yds was
Ram,Turkey, pig,chicken first to miss was out and Bob put on a shooting lesson all fell out at Turkey at 500 except Bob smoked it.
Special thanks to Dan Thomas and Rod Scobee for there time to host match and Walter Cline Range
Thank you to Be Still Custom Creations Muzzleloaders for providing us with this coverage of the Inline Match on Saturday.
Inline Silhouette Match - November 2, 2019
We’re excited to be hosting an Inline Muzzleloading Silhouette Match this fall! Stop by the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana on November 2nd for a day of Marksmanship!
For more information, contact Dan Thomas at 812-667-0015 or email him at