Record Breaking Wyoming/Shiras Moose taken with a muzzleloader!
Bringing a Muzzleloader Only Hunting Season to Montana - Caleb Hinkle (UPDATED)
Flintlock Deer Hunting Tips with Dave Ehrig on Out in the Open TV
New Record American Elk taken with a Muzzleloader | Longhunter Society
New Record Black Bear taken with a Muzzleloader | Longhunter Society
Muzzleloader Load Data for Blackhorn 209
Shared from, this information is intended to provide reference for muzzleloading hunters looking to use Blackhorn 209 as their muzzleloading substitute for hunting season. Click here to open the document in a new window.
Moose with a Muzzeloader | Muzzle Blasts Archives
Sitka Hunt on Central Prince of Wales Island | Muzzle Blasts Archives
FLAT TOP ELK HUNT | Muzzle Blasts Archives April 2020
Four a.m. comes early wherever you are. Early morning is just as dark in the Colorado Flat Top mountain range as it is in Coshocton, Ohio. The hunt prep routine is different. Instead of hopping into a pickup, then onto an ATV, my partner and I were saddling our horses and loading the equipment we prepared yesterday afternoon. It would be an hour ride to the jump-off point for our morning elk hunt.
Jordan Walsh | Hunting on this season of "The Rifleman" exclusively with Muzzle Loaders
What's your favorite inline for whitetail deer? What's your go to bullet and charge? | Ask the Experts
Luke Horak of Arrowhead Rifles | Muzzle Blasts Podcast
REVIC announces new EXO SIGHT and options for Gunwerks Long Range Muzzle Loader
EVIC Optics has announced a new addition to their sight line up with the REVIC Exo Sight. The sight claims to be a breakthrough in open sight technology with a true long-range capable turreted open sight. This is definitely targeted for those Western US Hunters, with state mandates on open sights, looking to increase their range while on the hunt.
Sagebrush, Cornfields, and Black Powder | Hunting Phesants with Black Powder by Randy Smith
CVA Paramount Pro - Everything you need to know | Long Range Muzzleloading with CVA
We catch up with Tony Smotherman from CVA and get the scoop on the new CVA Paramount Pro. The new Paramount Pro advances on CVA’s Paramount line hoping to bring advanced precision to modern muzzleloader hunters.