how to — Muzzleloading, Living History and Traditional Craft News — The NMLRA

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How to make a "Hawken Era" Hunting Pouch | Craftsman's Corner

How to make a "Hawken Era" Hunting Pouch | Craftsman's Corner

In this Craftsman’s Corner feature, we’re going to go through the process of making this “Hawken Era” Leather pouch from Madison Grant’s “The Kentucky Rifle Hunting Pouch”

what are some good commercially available range/tackle boxes that folks use on the firing line?

Questions and answers from Facebook

“What are some good commercially available range/tackle boxes that folks use on the firing line?”

-Barry Geipel

Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.

Nathan G - I grew up using a craftsman toolbox. Plenty of room in the bottom for powder and patches and the tray is good for all the small stuff.

Judy M - MTM makes a great muzzle loading box! Reasonable priced and holds all your gear.

Chris K - Plano tackle box.

Denny R - Judy’s got your answer MTM is a great company that is supported our national muzzleloading rifle Association for years And the box is designed for muzzleloading

Bob S - I use a metal tool box that belonged to my Uncle I've got some Walnut I've planned to make one with. Been sitting around about 10 years now.

Gregory P - Try Sycamore Stations

If you’d like to join in on the conversation, head on over to our NMLRA Facebook Group! The group is open to anyone who is interested in Muzzleloaders and living history as long as they follow the rules.

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What sized drill bit do you use to make a 45 cal loading block | Ask the Experts

What sized drill bit do you use to make a 45 cal loading block | Ask the Experts

We've organized a complete list of muzzleloading calibers from 32 cal to 75 cal and what sized drill bit you need to make a loading block for each caliber.

What is the best load for a Thompson Center Hawken?

Questions and answers from Facebook

“For those shooting a TC Hawken with a 1 in 48 twist barrel, what is your bestload? Bullet and Powder.

-Darrel Flurry

Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.

Michael S. “Roundball, 60 and 120 gr FFG. Plains bullet, 90Grs FFFG. Mine is a 54 caliber.”

Mike J. “Mine shoots good with 70 gr. BlackMZ and a.490 ball. .015 patch.”

Paul R. “Roundball 65 gr, lee real 75 gr”

Jeffery R “300 grain sabot, 100grns loose powder, fff works if your gun is clean and dry.

James B “90 gr. Goex FFF cut pillow ticking spit patch .490 round ball”

Here’s a photo Todd Shared.

Here’s a photo Todd Shared.

Todd T “100 grains Goex 2f, .54 cal home cast Lyman Plains lubed with 45/45/10 with a felt wad between powder and bullet. Can’t wait to run one through an elk.”

Tony G “80 grains ff 490 ball 015 patch”

Dale N “My 45 50 grs RB, 60 grs maxi. My 50 60 grs RB, 80 grs maxi”

Fred W “Same as Bob above, 70gr 2f 490 orb .015 pillow ticking patch Goex BLACK POWDER ONLY.”

David C “40 gr FFg, lubed .015 patch with .490 round ball for paper at 25 yds. 85 gr FFg, same patch and ball, for hunting.”

Visit the “Muzzleloading” Facebook Group for more great posts like this!

If you’d like to join in on the conversation, head on over to our NMLRA Facebook Group! The group is open to anyone who is interested in Muzzleloaders and living history as long as they follow the rules.

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Help with Chronographing my 52 caliber Bench Gun | Ask the Experts

Questions and answers from the NMLRA Facebook Group

“Does anyone have experience using a chronograph with muzzleloaders. I concerned with the unburned powder flash, patching and the smoke's impact on equipment and actuate readings. I have heavy and light bench guns, both .52 calibers that I was thinking about testing But would hate to cause damage to the equipment.s.”

-Chris West

Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.

Tom McEWen said, “I have a tripod mounted and a bayonet style. I have used the tripod style (Caldwell) with no issues. I will not use the bayonet style with a Muzzleloader (again)”

Robert Wetzler - “shooters used to use one put cardboard in front of screen”

Carl Hill Chronograph my 4 bore with a 1500gr. Ball, worked but i’d suggest moving it at least 15 yards away from the muzzle

Terry Sensenig - “I put a small piece of wood over the digital readout to minimize the shockwave. Other than that I feel like I get consistent readings with muzzleloaders. Prior to shooting muzzleloaders I will shoot a pistol through just to make sure the equipment is reading correctly”

Rick Weber- “I ruined a chrono with a felt wad. At 1500fps the conical traveled thru the wire way, but the wad hit face of the display- maybe 25’ away. Bought a LabRadar a few years ago, no problems.”

Ed Radzinski “I use a chrony, don't use skyscreens. Just put a piece of plexiglass over it. Works great.”

If you’d like to join in on the conversation, head on over to our NMLRA Facebook Group! The group is open to anyone who is interested in Muzzleloaders and living history as long as they follow the rules.

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Developing a load for Lyman Great Plains Hunter Rifles

Questions and answers from the NMLRA Facebook Group

“Does anyone have experience with Lyman Great Plains Hunter rifles? I am looking to get one as a pure hunting gun and wanting to load 250-300gr sabots. Typically using Barnes TEZ/TMZ. Just looking for accuracy, load info, and even some cool game pictures!

-Andrew Ault

Andrew’s question brought up 30 comments one evening. We wanted to share some of the comments, hope it’s helpful!

Here are some of the most informative comments from the post.

Photo Credit to Ted Davis. Lymans Great Plains Rifle 1 in 66 twist. Also comes in Flintlock

Photo Credit to Ted Davis. Lymans Great Plains Rifle 1 in 66 twist. Also comes in Flintlock

“I'm not familiar with the "Great Plains" model, and I don't know the twist ratio. But Lyman had made a model called "The PA Hunter". "PA" stands for Pennsylvania. The rifle had a 1 in 66 twist for roundball. This was produced because the Pennsylvania "primitive" hunting season required a muzzleloader which had flint ignition, open sights, and fired a single "spherical" projectile of .50 cal or greater.
The laws in PA have since changed and the cal is now .45 or greater, and conicals can be used. Flint ignition and open sights are still the rule. Lyman discontinued the PA hunter.
Pennsylvania also has a "muzzleloading" season (which is earlier) when in-lines, and percussion ignition can be used with peep or optical sights” George Hunter”

“My Great Plains 54 is 1:72, I think. For target I use 50 grains of FFF and a hand cast .540 round ball, patched .015. If I decide to hunt deer with it, I up my powder charge to 80 grains. Same with Deerstalker 54. Only the hunting load is 70 instead of 80. Shorter barrel. Both are proven to harvest Michigan Whitetail.” Craig Chambers

Bill Bolen adds, “I have only ever shot bullets in my GP .50 cal and used it to kill a bunch of deer. I have used the Hornady copper jacketed 280-300 gr, Powerbeats, and many others. All shoot pretty well out to 100 yards or so. Lately I have switched to a Great Plains 300 gr all lead that shoots about the best. My hunting load is 90 gr 2f Goex.”

If you’d like to join in on the conversation, head on over to our NMLRA Facebook Group! The group is open to anyone who is interested in Muzzleloaders and living history as long as they follow the rules.

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