Muzzle Blasts Magazine is back with, in my opinion, one of the best issues of 2020. Dave has jam-packed this issue with great articles and photos, I had to double-check and see if we hadn’t increased the page count!
Editor's Message Muzzle Blasts November 2020
November is the last full month of autumn, so let’s get all of our outdoor shooting, trekking, camping and hunting in, before the brown landscape grows “snow deep” into whiteness and the ice glazes the frozen roads. November is also one of the busiest months in the calendar. The shorter length of sunlight is really noticeable and our circadian rhythms are thrown into a tail spin on November 1st as we all “fall back” into the old “standard time” of sunrise and sunset.
Opportunities and Experiences that Muzzle Loading has Given Me | Women in Muzzle Loading
Dodge's March by Mike Phifer
It was June 21, 1834, and the expedition was headed into what is now southwestern Oklahoma for the Pawnee Picts village. There they were to make a show of force and to meet with the Comanche, Kiowa, and the Pawnee Picts (this latter tribe was also called Taovayas and were a branch of the Wichitas) who had yet to make a treaty with the United States.
The European Powder Flask by Carl Dumke | Historically and Economically |
This week's episode comes straight from our time at the 2020 Horn Fair with the Honourable Company of Horners. Listen as Carl Dumke, Master Horner, gives a wonderful presentation on the European Powder Flask. This hour-long presentation is packed with information and history on an often overlooked subject.
How to read EVERY issue of Muzzle Blasts Magazine ever printed | NMLRA Tutorial
Web Blasts March 2020 | Muzzle Blasts Magazine
What happened to the sport of Muzzleloading during WWII? An interview with Joe Barnes and Mark Barnhill
We're back with NMLRA member Joseph Barnes as he shares his memories from the 1940s and how it impacted Muzzleloading. Joe’s first NMLRA event was in 1937 when the shoots were held in Dillsboro, Indiana. Joe returned the following year, 1938, to help organize and then win the first-ever NMLRA junior match with a score of 44 out of 50.
He is the only surviving member from our historic panoramic photograph from the range in 1938. You can hear Joe tell more stories of the early muzzleloading days here.
It was wonderful to get Joe into the Rand House Museum at NMLRA headquarters during the “Pole Cat Porter” Exhibit at the 2019 National Championships. While Joe didn’t know Pole Cat personally, he was able to share some stories he heard at the time and share some first-hand accounts of early muzzleloading in the 1900s.
This video is the second of two shot in the Pole Cat Porter Exhibit at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships. Catch the first one
A look at an original 225 year old flintlock
It was wonderful to get our eyes on this original Beck flintlock rifle during our September National Championship. This rifle is estimated to be 225 years old, it was converted to percussion during its life, but was converted back to flintlock with what is believed to be an early Siler Lock.
Owned by "Pole Cat Porter" in the early 1900s, this rifle, and its owner was instrumental to early muzzleloading and living history (At the time termed Buckskinning).
We sit down with exhibit organizers Mark Barnhill and William E. Jones to talk about the Pole Cat Porter exhibit, early 1900s muzzleloading and more in an upcoming video, stay tuned!
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The NMLRA on Shooting USA! Tonight on the Outdoor Channel!
Tonight! Thank you Jim Scoutten's Shooting USA for featuring us on tonights episode!
( We’re slowing things down for Muzzle Loading in Friendship, Indiana at the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association’s Nationals. It’s one part competition and one part living history from the 1820s. And we’ve got George Sutton – Mr. Flintlock from Impossible Shots – as our guide to the people and the competition that draws folks to black powder.
Plus, the long story of the 1911s that are now History’s Guns.
Then, John reports from Hollywood with the cowboy guns from the movies.
And JP shows you how to choose and set your zero. More Info…
Wednesday 9:00 PM Eastern and Pacific, 8:00 PM Central on Outdoor Channel
Shooting USA is listed as a one-hour show in your cable menu.
On the New Sportsman Canada Channel
Our Same Show, the Same Week, as in the USA
Sportsman Canada Channel is available in 750,000 Canadian Households. Find the channel and find us north of the Border.
Subscribe to see all shows as often as you like at
Defending the 2nd by Example in the 26th Year
Muzzle Blasts is Growing - Exciting new announcments from the NMLRA
Muzzleloading and Living History aren’t dying, they are evolving.
We’ve been publishing “Muzzle Blasts” magazine in one form or another since 1930. Muzzle Blasts is the Original MuzzleLoading, Traditional craft, and Living History Magazine. Delivered to your door or email every month, each issue is packed with content about muzzleloader shooting sports, living history, traditional craft, tutorials, stories, and accouterments.
To expand on the quality Muzzle Blasts delivers each month, the NMLRA has launched a new media initiative to bring you more of what you love.
We’re going to take you inside events and classes like you’ve never seen, and we are able to do all of this thanks to the members of the NMLRA.
New Platforms
We are excited to share the launch of the "Muzzle Blasts" Podcast, a new radio-like show from the NMLRA where we meet with all sorts of known and unknown people in the world of Living History.
In our first episode, we were excited to sit down with a representative from Goex Powders and Deer Creek Products to discuss the evolving world of Muzzleloading.
We Love Muzzle blasts
We know you love Muzzleblasts Magazine, and we want to bring you more of what you love each week.
Our dedicated Media Team will be covering not NMLRA events and classes, but muzzleloading and living history events across the country to show you that Living History is not dying, it’s evolving.
Muzzle Blasts on Social Media
We’re bringing daily updates from the world of the NMLRA to you through social media. We love hanging out around the campfire with our friends during an event, but now we can hangout everyday! With the NMLRA’s new media efforts we are bringing you the quality of Muzzleblasts right to your phone, tablet, or computer each day.
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NMLRA Throwback Thursday October 3, 2019
We'd like to thank Judy Morgan of Kenockee Tradin' Post, LLC for submitting today's #NMLRATBT
Pictured here is Maxine Moss, Editor of Muzzleblasts Magazine, in front of the Rand House in 1977.
Photos from the Trap Range Awards at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships
A Special thank you to Robert Frist for sharing these photos with us on Facebook. It’s hard for us to get photos of everything, members like Robert make our jobs a lot easier. Thank you Robert!
We are working on getting scores from the National Championships up as soon as possible, thank you for your patience.
Sunday from the 2019 National Championships at the NMLRA

We had another wonderful day here at the 2019 National Championships. The weather was slightly cloudy with sun all day. A slight breeze kept attendees cool, but was not enough to affect the marksmen on the line.
Today was a wonderful day for catching up with several pieces of living NMLRA history.
The NMLRA Media team worked with families and friends of several 95 year old members who have been around for many years to sit down and document some of their history here at the range.
The Pole Cat Porter exhibit in the Rand House Museum has been very well received by our attendees, we are excited to be sharing in the near future.