
Muzzle Blasts is Growing - Exciting new announcments from the NMLRA

Muzzleloading and Living History aren’t dying, they are evolving.

We’ve been publishing “Muzzle Blasts” magazine in one form or another since 1930. Muzzle Blasts is the Original MuzzleLoading, Traditional craft, and Living History Magazine. Delivered to your door or email every month, each issue is packed with content about muzzleloader shooting sports, living history, traditional craft, tutorials, stories, and accouterments.

To expand on the quality Muzzle Blasts delivers each month, the NMLRA has launched a new media initiative to bring you more of what you love.

We’re going to take you inside events and classes like you’ve never seen, and we are able to do all of this thanks to the members of the NMLRA.

New Platforms

We are excited to share the launch of the "Muzzle Blasts" Podcast, a new radio-like show from the NMLRA where we meet with all sorts of known and unknown people in the world of Living History.

In our first episode, we were excited to sit down with a representative from Goex Powders and Deer Creek Products to discuss the evolving world of Muzzleloading.

With aging members, many in the muzzleloading and living history communities are worried about the future of the sport. We sit down with Anita Vincenti from Goex Powder and Jim Christie of Deer Creek Products to discuss the future of muzzleloading and why it's not dying, it's evolving.

We Love Muzzle blasts

We know you love Muzzleblasts Magazine, and we want to bring you more of what you love each week.

Our dedicated Media Team will be covering not NMLRA events and classes, but muzzleloading and living history events across the country to show you that Living History is not dying, it’s evolving.

Muzzle Blasts on Social Media

We’re bringing daily updates from the world of the NMLRA to you through social media. We love hanging out around the campfire with our friends during an event, but now we can hangout everyday! With the NMLRA’s new media efforts we are bringing you the quality of Muzzleblasts right to your phone, tablet, or computer each day.

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