Follow along in real-time as this longhunter competes in the NMLRA Seneca Run
What happened to the sport of Muzzleloading during WWII? An interview with Joe Barnes and Mark Barnhill
We're back with NMLRA member Joseph Barnes as he shares his memories from the 1940s and how it impacted Muzzleloading. Joe’s first NMLRA event was in 1937 when the shoots were held in Dillsboro, Indiana. Joe returned the following year, 1938, to help organize and then win the first-ever NMLRA junior match with a score of 44 out of 50.
He is the only surviving member from our historic panoramic photograph from the range in 1938. You can hear Joe tell more stories of the early muzzleloading days here.
It was wonderful to get Joe into the Rand House Museum at NMLRA headquarters during the “Pole Cat Porter” Exhibit at the 2019 National Championships. While Joe didn’t know Pole Cat personally, he was able to share some stories he heard at the time and share some first-hand accounts of early muzzleloading in the 1900s.
This video is the second of two shot in the Pole Cat Porter Exhibit at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships. Catch the first one
2019 National Championship Scores are complete!
Thank you all for your patience this past month when it comes to scores. We are taking a serious look at organizing them as much as possible for the 2020 NMLRA Season.
Awards from the Rifle Line Awards - September 2019

Ann Reed - Aggregate B - Women's Rifle Championship Winner
Carl King - Aggregate TS - Paul Griffith Memorial Table Shoot Championship Winner - Carl also sat a new record score with this aggregate.
Darrell Vigue - Aggregate JJ - Sighted Smoothbore Championship Winner
Dave Vanderbos - Aggregate SS - Light Bench Championship Winner
Deb Bolen - Aggregate CC - Women's Bench Championship Winner
Donnie Black - Tied his 5th record on the Primitive Bow Range
Doug Schwartz - Aggregate IH - Inline Hunter Championship Winner - Doug also sat a new record for this aggregate
E. Branch Meanley - Aggregate R - Susan Johnston Memorial Championship and Aggregate J - Phil Orem Memorial Slug Gun Championship Winner
J.L. Hargis - Aggregate A - Unlimited Rifle Championship Winner, Aggregate E - Flintlock Championship Winner, Aggregate KK - One Gun Championship Winner, Aggregate V - Round Ball Bench_Any Sight Championship Winner
Jeremiah Nunn - Aggregate NN - Sub-Junior Aggregate
Keith Ethington - Aggregate MM - Traditional Offhand Flint Hunting Rifle Non-Jacketed Championship Winner
Lowell Crane - Aggregate DD - Tom Schiffer Schuetzen Championship Winner
Mary Amelia Taylor - Crosley Winner
Morgan Greenlee - Aggregate Z - Unlimited Longhunter Championship Winner - Morgan also broke the record for this aggregate and ranked as a distinguished master.
Neil Eddington - Aggregate C - Flintlock Bench Championship Winner
Robert & Deana Shepherd - Aggregate EE - Husband and Wife Championship Winners
Robert Dickson - Aggregate M - Roundball Bench Championship Winner
Theresa Van Epps - Aggregate N - Women's Buffalo Championship Winner
William Wonning - Aggregate II - Lee Good Memorial Chunk Gun Championship Winner
Congratulations to all of our competing marksmen for their hard work and dedication at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships!
Photos from the Skeet Range Awards - September 2019

Photos from the Rifle Line Awards at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships
2019 National Championship Rifle Line Winners. Mary Emilia Taylor won the Crosley Cup with 50-2x
NMLRA President Brent Steele speaking at the Rifle Line awards.
If you have anymore photos of the rifle line awards, please send them to for them to be included on the site. Thank you.
Photos from the 2019 National Championships Woodswalk
We had near record turn out this past week at the NMLRA Woodswalk range! Thank you, Trent and Robin Wren for working hard before, during, and after the national championships to prepare the range and keep it running smoothly and safely.
Trent and Robin shared these photos all through the championships to keep us informed of all the great marksmen coming through the range.

Sporting Clays Awards from the 2019 NMLRA National Championships!
We’d like to thank all of our sporting clays competitors for participating in our 2019 National Championships. From what I hear, the flintlock matches were quite frustrating this year with the dry weather!
Thank you NMLRA Vice President Jeff Cunningham for snapping these pictures from the Sporting Clays Awards. In the red hat on the left, we have newly elected NMLRA President Brent Steele, and on the right, Sporting Clays Chief Range Officer Alan Hoeweler.
Photos from the Trap Range Awards at the 2019 NMLRA National Championships
A Special thank you to Robert Frist for sharing these photos with us on Facebook. It’s hard for us to get photos of everything, members like Robert make our jobs a lot easier. Thank you Robert!
We are working on getting scores from the National Championships up as soon as possible, thank you for your patience.
Saturday from the 2019 NMLRA National Championships!

We had a hustling first Saturday here at the 2019 National Championships! Traffic was backed up on 62, we heard reports it took 2 hours to get through the tiny town of Friendship, Indiana this afternoon.
Shooters, craftsmen, and living history reenactors filled the NMLRA grounds today to share the history and hobbies we all love.
Announcing the 2019 National Championship Shoot Merchandise!
We’re excited to be launching a new variety of shoot merchandise this September. We have our normal two colored shirts, as well as a new hoodie, a sweatshirt, hats and pins! Be sure to stop by the NMLRA Merchandise booth early, these new designs won’t last long!
Friday from the 2019 National Championships!
We’re excited to see the grounds filling up with camps, marksmen, families and craftsmen today. NMLRA Media spent some time walking through the living history grounds this afternoon.
We’re posting through the day on our social media. Follow us as @NMLRA on facebook and @muzzleblasts on instagram to see stories and photos throughout the days.

Be sure to tag us on social media to be featured on the site and NMLRA social media!
All Rifles 1,000 Yard Match!
The 2019 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA) All 1,000 yards Black Powder Target Rifle Match will be held at Camp Atterbury, IN., on 14-15 September 2019.
Shooting is at 1,000 yards. Permitted rifles: Any safe original or reproduction traditional muzzle loading style of firearms fired from the shoulder in the mid - late 1800’s era of International Rifle Matches or breech loading single shot rifle chambered in an original black powder cartridge.
Targets are 6’ high by 10’ wide. New NMLRA records will be established for these size targets for both muzzle loading and cartridge rifles.