This week we’re talking with Ian Egbert, an active muzzleloading and blackpowder cartridge shooting competitor. Ian was drawn to the history of muzzleloaders after attending a civil war battle reenactment at 8 or 9 years old, but soon fell in love with shooting and competing with blackpowder.
A weekend of black powder cartridge rifles, fellowship, and competition
2020 BPCR Nationals Dates at the Ridgeway Rifle Club
Here are the dates for the 2020 Nationals at The Ridgway Rifle Club.
BPCR Scope July 28-29
BPCR Iron July 30-31
PCLAR August 3
SBLAR August 4
LAR August 5-6
SB Warm-Up August 8
SB Nationals/Monarch Cup August 9-10-11
HP Nationals August 13-14-15
End of the 2019 season for the Miami BPCR club
We had a great end to the season for the Miami Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Club!
Here are the scores from Saturday and Sunday at Friendship.
Saturday Keith Ux took the win with a 29 and 5 chickens! He was also our chicken pool winner for both Sat. and Sun. Good shooting as always Keith!
Sunday our friend Steve Decker, from Michigan, was our match-winner with a 28! Our King of the Hill high animal champion was Jim Lemon with 353 animals. Congratulations Jim.
Thank you to everyone and look forward to seeing you in March!
Camp Atterbury Longrange Match Report from Ray Hopkins
This past weekend, September 14th and 15th, the five ten shot 1000 yards match was held. There were three relays of ten shots on Saturday and two relays on Sunday.
Kenn Heisman was in first place in the muzzle loading class, followed by Dan Bredberg in second. Ian Egbert was first in the cartridge rifle class. Second was Jim Davis followed by his son Jim W Davis. Forth was Kim Kelly and Willard Lamb in fifth.
There were two Muzzle Loading shooters. One was shooting an original Ingram rifle and the other was a replica of a Gibbs made by Pedersoli. The remaining ten shooters were shooting cartridge rifles, from what I saw all were 1874 Sharps Rifles.
Camp Atterbury's mist in the morning cleared and we proceeded to shoot the first three relays of the day. The humidity had relented and with a few clouds, had a nice day for shooting. The next day started well and we were done by 01:30 hours with all then heading to Friendship for the fall shoot.
Since this is a new match, records were set for muzzle loaders and cartridge shooters. The record for aggregate for the muzzle loaders was set by Kenn Heismann with 309-3. He also set the 1000-yard record of 78-1. A new shooter at Camp Atterbury, and he shot with a cartridge rifle, was Ian Egbert. He had an aggregate of 431-7 and a 1000-yard record of 92.
Kenn Heisman was in first place in the muzzle loading class, followed by Dan Bredberg in second. Ian Egbert was first in the cartridge rifle class. Second was Jim Davis followed by his son Jim W Davis. Forth was Kim Kelly and Willard Lamb in fifth.
I do have to say that Dan Bredberg was a great help, he took the Camps' range safety course. He also came in early and helped prep the Connex container that Camp Atterbury provided. Then helped with setting up the range set up and take down.
The Spring shoot will consist of an 800, 900, and a 1000-yard, ten shot relays on Saturday and two 1000 yards ten shots relays on Sunday.
Next year’s fall shoot will be the same as this year. If I can have people contact me at my email address ( I can send them information about each shoot, besides being put on Camp Atterbury's gate list.
This coming Joe Hepsworth's Memorial will remain the same as it has in the past and anticipate the same for next year. Which will be the tenth anniversary.
Don’t forget! The Joe Hepsworth Match will be held at Camp Atterbury October 12-13, 2019! You must call 10 days prior to register. Call Ray Hopkins 740-868-2474 or 740-616-6627
Thank you Ray Hopkins for your continued efforts to organize matches at Camp Atterbury and for your writing of this report.
Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette Pics & Scores - September 2019

We had a heartfelt memorial for Fred Leeth Saturday morning, as the Miami Club Championship is now renamed the Fred Leeth Memorial Match.
Congratulations to Jason Bass, match winner, with a 70! See you all next month October 18, 19,& 20
Thank you Lora Parks for the photos and scores from this match
All Rifles 1,000 Yard Match!
The 2019 National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (NMLRA) All 1,000 yards Black Powder Target Rifle Match will be held at Camp Atterbury, IN., on 14-15 September 2019.
Shooting is at 1,000 yards. Permitted rifles: Any safe original or reproduction traditional muzzle loading style of firearms fired from the shoulder in the mid - late 1800’s era of International Rifle Matches or breech loading single shot rifle chambered in an original black powder cartridge.
Targets are 6’ high by 10’ wide. New NMLRA records will be established for these size targets for both muzzle loading and cartridge rifles.
Black Powder Cartridge National Aggregates at the NMLRA
Announcing the BPCR Super Bird Match at the NMLRA Black Powder Cartridge Nationals!
Announcing the BPCR Safari Match at the NMLRA Black Powder Cartridge Nationals!
August Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Shoot - Pictures and Scores!
We had a great crowd for the August BPCR Match, 33 shooters on Saturday and 34 on Sunday.
It was an aggregate match and Marc O’Malley was the overall Aggregate Match Winner, congrats Marc on some great shooting!
We had competitors all the way from Georgia, TN, WV, MI Weather was hot and the conditions were challenging but as you know there is usually a nice breeze on the firing line.