Robert Vogt, secretary of the Gemmer Muzzleloading Club has shared these original NMLRA Charter Club documents from 1955 with us on facebook. Check them out below for a blast from the past.
54 Cal Hawken Deer Hunt with Wild 4 the Outdoors TV
Muzzleloader Load Data for Blackhorn 209
Shared from, this information is intended to provide reference for muzzleloading hunters looking to use Blackhorn 209 as their muzzleloading substitute for hunting season. Click here to open the document in a new window.
Historically Accurate Trekking Boots from Fugawee
In our latest episode of the Muzzle Blasts Podcast, we talked with Suzanne Thomson about historic trekking. Footwear came up, as it often does in these conversations. Historically accurate footwear that is comfortable is always hard to find, recently Suzanne has been breaking in a pair of “Hi-Low Trekkers” from Fugawee.
If you are looking for a pair of trekking shoes, give these a look!
The NMLRA was not compensated for this post.
Suzanne Thomson on Portraying Historic Figures, Outdoor WIlderness Ladies, and Historic Trekking
Presentation Pipe Tomahawk by Simeon England, Mike Miller, and Kyle Willyard
The name tomahawk is a combination of tribal and English words. Algonquin and Lenape peoples called their lightweight stone axes "tamahak" or “tamahakan". European Americans pronounced these words as "tomahawk." They liked the size and weight of the original tool, but made their own adaptation by replacing the stone heads with iron heads having steel blades. Tribes who had never seen a handled tool with a metal head called it a tomahawk, adopting the indigenous term to the iron headed tool.
[Video] Cap and Ball shares a delightful muzzleloading pheasant hunt
[VIDEO] A Tour of the Historic Rand House
We’re invited on a tour of the Historic “Rand House” and NMLRA Museum by NMLRA Volunteer, Bob Schlegel. Bob has volunteered his time over the past several years to continue efforts to restore the historic Rand House as well as organize displays and tours for visitors during the NMLRA National Events.
[Video] Shooting the Traditions Mountain Rifle .50cal Percussion with Buckskins and Blackpowder
Moose with a Muzzeloader | Muzzle Blasts Archives
Muzzleloader calibers and their matching drill bits | Use this to make a loading block
Tools of the Trade: The work of Chris Crosby | Muzzle Blasts Excerpts
Cincinatti Muzzle Loading Rifle Club Shoot Dates, Fall 2020 - 2021
Here is the info for the Cincinnati Muzzle Loading Rifle Club for the remainder of 2020 & 2021.
Shoot Date: Time: Cost:
November 15th,2020 11am $13
December 27th,2020 " " "
January 31st,2021 " " $15
February 28th,2021 " " "
March 21st,2021 " " "
April 25th,2021 " " "
May 29th,2021 " " " Golden Buckeye Shoot & Pistol Shoot- for that 60+, rifle shot from the Bench
May 30th,2021 " " "
June 27th,2021 " " "
July 25th,2021 " " "
August 29th,2021 " " "
September 26th,2021 " " "
October 31st,2021 " " $5+ Blanket Prize - Woodswalk
November 14th,2021 " " $15
December 26th,2021 " " "
All shoots unless otherwise noted are shoot offhand at 25 yards & 50 yards & are open to non-members.
Location: 1st drive way north of Walnut Creek Stables 12080 Lick Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45251
For more information please contact Robin Bonaventura (513)284-5239 or at
You can find us on Facebook at Cincinnati Muzzle Loading Rifle Club
How to Make a Natural Walnut Dye
Traditional Longrifle Flintlock Muzzleloader Deer Hunting - 2017 | Leatherwood Outdoors
Fitting Ramrods and Final Assembly | Kibler Kit Assembly Class Day 5
Students march towards the final assembly of their new muzzleloaders!