On this week's episode of Craftsman's corner from the NMLRA, we’re going to show you how to make a simple powder horn for your muzzleloading gear
Powder Horns and Flasks from the Valley Forge National Historic Park
The Valley Forge National Historical Park has shared a great PDF about the powder horns and flasks in their collection from the 15th to 18th century.
Check out the document at this link, or embedded down below.
Historically Accurate Trekking Boots from Fugawee
In our latest episode of the Muzzle Blasts Podcast, we talked with Suzanne Thomson about historic trekking. Footwear came up, as it often does in these conversations. Historically accurate footwear that is comfortable is always hard to find, recently Suzanne has been breaking in a pair of “Hi-Low Trekkers” from Fugawee.
If you are looking for a pair of trekking shoes, give these a look!
The NMLRA was not compensated for this post.
How to make an 18th century money wallet with Jeff Luke | Craftsman's Corner #5
In this installment of Craftsman’s Corner, we’ll be creating a basic “money” wallet to carry your cash, as well as a few modern necessities such as driver’s license, business cards, and that evil plastic, because after all, nothing says farby like whipping out that modern, machine sewn nylon tri-fold to pay for goods at an event
How to make a sheath for your camp or belt axe | Late 18th Century
How to make a Cow's Knee Lock Cover for your Flintlock Muzzle Loader
Daniel Howell on the revival of folk crafts and traditional skills | Muzzle Blasts Podcast
Daniel is a young father in the Western United States.
We're talking with Daniel Howell this week. Daniel has been involved in rendezvous out west for many years now, but in adult life has transitioned into studying and living by "primitive skills". A woodworker by trade, Daniel has continued to travel back in time, so to speak, re-learning what our forefathers and mothers lived by.
Daniel is from the western US, so we get into some of the history and differences between what he studies, versus what someone like me from east of the Mississippi river studies. We talk about the skills and craft behind muzzleloading, as well as its history in the United States and how muzzleloaders went hand in hand with skills like foraging, woodworking, blacksmithing and more.
Get 10% at the NMLRA store using the code "Podcast10" "
This week's episode is brought to you by Muzzle Loader Magazine. Since 1974, MUZZLELOADER has been the leading magazine devoted to traditional black powder hunting and shooting. Each issue is jam-packed with articles on hunting, shooting, gunsmithing, do-it-yourself projects, living history, American history, book and product reviews, and much more!
Links to topics discussed
The Folk Craft Revival Podcast
Daniel's Suggested Resources for any newcomer
Find out more about the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association at our website - NMLRA.org
A special thanks this week to the guys at Primitive Pursuit for sponsoring the podcast! Primitive Pursuit was founded in 2017 to be an outlet for learning experiences as a traditional bowhunter.
We couldn't have this conversation, the podcast or anything here at the NMLRA without the support of our members. Everything we do is made possible because of their generosity. Thank you.
How to make a Flint Wallet with Jeff Luke | Craftsman's Corner #1
In this first edition of Craftsman’s Corner, I’ll walk you through creating a basic leather flint and tool wallet. This piece will be a handy addition to your hunting or shooting pouch and allow you carry a few extra flints, some cleaning patch material, and a couple of basic cleaning/maintenance tools while afield or at the range with your trusted flintlock.
Living History is a family affair for Samson Historical | Muzzle Blasts Podcast
18th Century Bucksin Breeches Advertisement
This original advertisement was shared by Ron Malmgren in the “Just Frontier Trash 1750-1790” Facebook Group.
The Ad describes a pair of breeches made by Samual Penistone, in New Bird, Oxford, near Grovenor (Perhaps an early typo?) Square.
It states,
“It cannot be denied that LEATHER BREECHES (Especially Doe-Skin), are of all others most genteel, lite, and proper for traveling, hunting, shooting &c, but that Gentlemen who like breeches to fit neat and eafy, can seldom meet with this advantage in them, is too evident of late from their wearing a very inferior kind for these uses inconsistent. It is therefore for utility only, that I thus publicly declare myself perfectly qualified to serve Gentlemen ever to delicate or particular, every way so completely, that cannot fail of premoting the wear of leather breeches universial; as a proof of my abilities, any Gentleman may make a trial of a pair, and if in quality or workmanship can be excelled, or in fitting, do not equal silk stocking for safe and pleasure in wearing, they may be returned.
Un paralelled method is adopted by which gentlemen may keep their breeches clean without being leaft incommoded.
N.B. Leather perfectly white, black, beaver and cloth clours of the fiest qualities.
The best fair-stitch hands are wanted; but no other need apply, as the best prices are given. ”
Mike Beliveau on Writing, Youtube, and the Duelist’s Den | Muzzle Blasts Podcast
A look inside February 2020's Muzzle Blasts Magazine
Muzzle Blasts Editor Dave Ehrig gave you a little taste of what February’s magazine had to offer last week with the Editor’s Message, now it’s time for a look inside at just some of the articles in February’s Muzzle Blasts.
Interested in reading these articles, but not ready for a 12 month commitment? Order single issues today from the NMLRA Store
In this month’s issue
A Moment Frozen in Time Part 2
A Noble Idea Worth Copying
Deer Horns and Rut Nuts - Making Unique and Useful Hunting Trophies
Journey to Flint Part 2
Making a Shotgun Wad Cutter
John Brown’s Hawken Rifle
Focus on Family
Rendezvous Monthly
Blending Fine Art, History, and the Outdoors with Traditional Craftsman Eric Ewing
Creating your own longhunter pouch | A Leather Bag Class with Jeff Luke
We continue through our class with contemporary artisan Jeff Luke. In this video, Jeff Luke walks his students through finishing their bags and preparing them for their next trek!
“The NMLRA bag building class was a success! Thank you to the NMLRA and all of the students who participated. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing what I’ve learned and watching the group turn out some very nice bags!”
Thank you all for following along as we released the videos from this class. It was a bit of a learning experience for everyone involved. The class went very well, with 5 students Jeff was a busy teacher the entire day. We’d like to arrange another during the June 2020 NMLRA National Shoot, if you are interested, please let us know and we will do our best to arrange enough class time for everyone.
Moving forward, we’d love to host more 1 day traditional craft classes like this one. Our education center is set up with several classrooms with the proper tools and equipment to better manage a class like this, we will be sure to move to one of those for the next class.
Throughout the day we talked a lot with the students and Jeff about other kinds of projects that would make for a good class. This hunting pouch is a great project, but we did have to work an hour over our estimated time to get everyone finished up. Ideas for the future include knife sheaths, flint wallets, wallets and more.
We’d like to thank Jeff Luke once again for his work to bring this class to the NMLRA Education Center. Everyone young and old went home with a smile on their face and a new bag they will cherish forever.
Shop Small this year with NMLRA Craftsmen and Vendors
By Dave Ehrig and the Muzzle Blasts’ Staff
Call the place “Commercial Row,” the “Sheep Sheds,” or some other affectionate name, there is no denying the fact that when you arrive at the National Range for the first time, or the 100th, you feel like you have found a home!
With humble beginnings of roofed sheds with no sides, built by the exhibitors “sweat equity” in cooperation with the NMLRA, they came into existence in November 1961; and, just in time for Christmas!
If you have ever visited this iconic corner of the Walter Cline Range, you have probably been overwhelmed with all of the merchandise being offered. There are untold numbers of muzzleloading rifles, shotguns, pistols; leather hunting bags for a myriad of accoutrements. Powder horns, some in the green and others gloriously finished with fine scrimshaw/engraving, tease the eyes and jog the mind’s historic memory banks. Brass accoutrements for the most discretionary competitors, hunters and collectors glisten in the light; while bone and antler handled patch knives, larger hunting knives, and all manner of collectible Damascus blades beckon the buyer.
My first purchases took place way back in 1978, my first visit to Friendship, Indiana, from eastern Pennsylvania. As primitive rendezvousers were coming to the forefront of primitive camping with their teepees, wedge tents, formal marquees and wall tents, I found it difficult to find the lodges, clothing, shoes, hats, bags, and everything “Fur Trade” at local muzzleloading shoots. But Friendship, that magical little kingdom along the Loughery Creek, had it all in Commercial Row. And nothing has changed; it just gets better each year!
I remember well my regrets after leaving the shining times in “the Row,” and they were very regrettable, that I didn’t have the contact information for each shop so that I could order what I needed . . . once home.
And now we face every competitor’s and each Longhunter’s scariest month on the calendar: December. Why? Simply told, every shooter is asked by their spouse at the beginning of that month, “What would you like for Christmas!”
Knowing thin ice when you are about to “step into it,” we tread carefully and respond. We mumble with an often heard reply, “oh a shirt, sweater, tie, jacket, pajamas might be nice . . . or some other mundane object that we really don’t want or need. Well, after you read this issue, you will have all the answers to the gifts that you secretly really wanted and knew that no local big box store would carry them. You will be armed with contacts to the world of muzzleloading guns, gadgets, and gear. You will see the faces of the merchants, know how to get into contact with them, and while making your spouse happy because they are actually procuring something that you really want, it will be easy!
So sit back, reread your Muzzle Blasts with a pen and paper in hand, and begin to take notes. It might lead to the Merriest Christmas that your family ever experienced!
Art Seymour
Art’s history with the Sheep Sheds began after doing several years of Rendezvous out West. He was trading in chevron beads when he met Sherry of the Timberline Traders. Thanks to her inviting stories of the NMLRA, I finally came to Friendship for the first time in 1991. And guess what? I have been coming here ever since!
I hand craft all of my chevron beads; plus, I make a lot of other bead varieties. Each one is made from blown glass and that includes the historical bottles and art glasses. My specialty items are chevron beads, bottles and western sage. If interested, you can contact me at juniperneveda@gmail.com; 775-629-9079; or visit my website: www.seymourchevron.com
Bill Keeler
“Beaver Bill” has been coming to Friendship since 1958, but his first year in to offer his tomahawks and knives was 1985. Muzzleloaders quickly noticed the quality of his craft and starting demanding more, so in 1995 he quit his day job and became a full-time knife and hawk artisan purveyor.
If you are a reenactor, rendezvouser, competition thrower, or just appreciate authenticity, Beaver Bill has the tools you need. His offerings include Pipe Tomahawks; Throwing Tomahawks; Throwing Knives; Belt Knives; Scalping Knives; Spike Axes; Ranger Hawks; Belt Axes; Bag Axes; and Hammer Poll Axes.
You can contact Bill at Beaver Bill Forging Works; phone 513-756-1983; beaverbill@zoomtown.com; or check his website at www.beaverbill.com
Mark and Afeelea Nevling
Mark and Afeela have been coming to Friendship since 1999, but found their way into the Commercial Row by 2002. Feeling the pull of history because one of his ancestors fought and died at the Battle of Brandywine (Pennsylvania) during the American Revolutionary War, Mark began crafting his specialty, “Burr Oak Knives.”
You can see the difference in my knives, they are made with handmade Damascus steel; a very specialized steel. Mark likes to use fossil mammoth ivory and fossil walrus ivory for the unique handles. Not only are the knives artistically handcrafted, he also makes every sheath unique to the custom knives.
Afeelea Nevling not only contributes to working the business end of Burr Oak Knives, she makes her own specialty line of organic soaps and no artificial colors or ingredients.
Contact them at 989-472-3167; or visit their website: www.burroakknives; or find them on Facebook and Instagram.
Scott Pobjoy
The founder of Cash Manufacturing, Tedd Cash, had been coming to Friendship since the 1960s. His brass accoutrements are well known and in most shooters’ pouches and loading boxes across the country. Scott has worked with Ted for 17 years and when Tedd was ready to retire, Scott purchased the company in October 2005. He added all the Firekit items as well as many other accoutrements. Scott most recently improved Universal Straightline Capper.
The company offers brass Cappers; Gun Hangers; Funnels; Powder Measurers; Ramrod Pipes; Nosecaps; Survivalist Items; Trekker Lanterns; a variety of brass, German Silver and copper Boxes; and many more items for the discerning shooter/hunter. The new and improved Universal Straightline Capper, Swivel and Flip Top powder measurers are much sought items.
Cash Manufacturing Co. Inc. can be contacted at 606-849-5664; office@TDCMFG.com; or visit the website for a full array of the product line at www.TDCMFG.com
Curt Johnson
The “Gunmakers of Illinois, Etc.” has been an NMLRA member since 1968. The booth existed under a former owner, George and Dorothy Shumway, until George passed away. Then it was operated as Curt’s booth until now. Curt Johnson is also the author of Gunmakers of Illinois, 1683-1900, volumes I and II.
Curt carries books on Antique Firearms and Related Items; Antique Firearms & Parts; Trade Silver; Tang Sights for percussion target rifles; Guide Bullet Starters for percussion Rifles are made to order.
Curt makes reproduction “lollipop” tang sights for the countless percussion target rifles that no longer have them. He makes them in various diameters and thread sizes. Custom made guide bullet starters are made to fit those same rifles. Curt Johnson is always interested in buying or photographing guns from early Illinois makers.
Curt can be contacted at 815-915-6971; or email at ilgunmkr@yahoo.com
Lee Fry and Charles Kirkland
Dixie Gun Works is a household name to everyone in the muzzleloading culture. Their catalogues of 620+ pages are required reading for all who want to know anything about the sport. The founder Turner Kirkland has been coming to Friendship since the 1950s, selling items out of his car’s trunk before the Sheep Sheds and Commercial Row came into being. The company has been in Commercial Row for many years. They are open for the Spring and Fall Shoots to take care of customers’ many needs.
As you can see from Margaret Miller holding the new Pedersoli Double Barrel Flint 20 Gauge Shotgun, Dixie is a knowledgeable and fun place to visit at the Friendship Sheep Sheds. They stand ready to share shooting supplies, antique gun parts, black powder guns and accessories.
Contact Dixie Gun Works at 1-800-238-6785; Lee.fry@dixiegunworks.com; or visit their website at www.info@Dixiegunworks.com
E. T. Harrison
Little Creek Long Rifles has been coming to Friendship for 17 years. We supply Long Rifles, Smooth Bores, Flint Locks and Jewelry. Our specialty is to provide fine Rifles and Smooth Bores for competitors and hunters.
Contact E. T. Harrison at 731-926-6418; or email tngunmaker@gmail.com
Charles Burton
FCI Barrels (Flintlock Construction Inc.) was established by Burton in 2007. He creates custom muzzleloading rifle and smoothbore barrels that are made from 12L14 steel and are shot for group before shipping. Caliber sizes range from .29 to .69, depending on the size and type of barrel ordered. Smoothbore Trade Gun barrels with shorter octagons, 2 wedding bands and double taper to thin muzzle up to 48 inches long are available. Pistol barrels are available straight octagon rifled; tapered octagon rifled; swamped; octagon to round smoothbore; tapered round smoothbore; with limited brass barrel inventory (call for availability.)
Contact Burton’s FCI /Barrels at Charles Burton, 250 S. Liddie Way, Morehead, KY 40351; phone 606-780-7709; FLINTLOCKCALB50@HOTMAIL.COM
Flint and Judy Anderson
Flint and Judy Anderson like to state: “We have no business, we just stay busy.” Flint’s dad, Jim Anderson has been coming to Friendship since the 1960s and won in 1973 with a flintlock that Flint was named after. He likes to tell people that he has been there his whole life!
They sell fine gun stock wood in “Spalded Maple, Walnut and Ash.” They also are purveyors of great knives and other interesting items. “Shooters Night” is a big night for us on Monday night in Commercial Row. Come see Judy and Flint and they promise that you will enjoy their booth. We make it fun. You can contact us at 317-509-9731, or email flintanderson@gamail.com
Jack Lewis/Marie Taylor
The Fort Lewis/J.Lewis MFG. Arms began at Friendship in 1948 when they traded and sold out of the back of their car or on trade blankets. The Deer’s Sheep Shed was built in 1964 and they have had the same booths 39&40 since that time. They have raised a family here at the NMLRA in Friendship, Indiana. My daughters helped to raise money to build the first playground. Daughter Marie Taylor and Jack now make the shows together. They are at the same campsite (A4) since 1964. Jack and wife Faye along with their family have had many wonderful times on site, or as he states, “its home away from home for us.”
They deal in Antique Guns; Antique Parts; Bowie Knives and Pocket Knives. They also have some unique display items that include Springfield Locks from 1795-1864; Bayonets; and a .45-70 Trapdoor. Their specialty item is a percussion pistol in most calibers that Jack created in 1966. He only made them 100 of them. J. Lewis Mfg. Arms percussion pistols were shot at the Walter Cline Range firing line and won championships for five years in a row.
You can contact him or Marie Taylor at 740-858-6400; or email marietaylor903@gmail.com
Gary Nebel
“Gary’s Gunsmith Shop” has been onsite in the NMLRA Commercial Row for 51 years. Gary proudly states that he never missed one! His large inventory includes Leather, Buckskin Clothing, and Shooting Bags; all of which are manufactured in his shop. His specialty items include Leather Bags; Buckskin Clothing; Buckskin Pants, Buckskin Shirts, and Buckskin Leather Dresses.
You can contact Gary Nebel at 765-763-6896; email gnebel1@frontier.com; or visit the website www.garygunsmithshop.com
Harvey Brumfield
Harvey’s first trip to Friendship was in 1960 when he was 20 years old. He liked all of what Friendship stood for and offered, so he has been coming back ever since. Four years ago he rented a booth on Commercial Row to sell his guns that were collected over 75 years, as well as to sell friends collection that lost a battle with cancer.
Harvey Brumfield sells Custom Flintlock Rifles, Custom Made Knives, accessories and related items. His specialty is Custom Flintlocks. You can contact him at 859-548-2612; or email at field66@windstream.net
Jim Chambers Flintlocks, Ltd.
Jim and Barb Chambers are familiar faces to flintlock builders everywhere. More than just a pleasant family demeanor, they are skillful purveyors of Original Siler Locks with 22 historically accurate Lock Styles. The locks are also hand tuned with a limited lifetime guarantee. They also offer historically accurate rifle, fowler and pistol kits.
They have had a long history with the NMLRA and Friendship’s Commercial Row. Barb literally grew up with the business. She points out that everything is American made and that they proudly employ U.S. Veterans in their Canler, North Carolina business.
Contact the Chambers at 828-667-8361; email CHAMBERS@FLINTLOCKS.COM; or visit the website www.FLINTLOCKS.COM
Poppen Mocs
The Poppens have witnessed two generations of selling at Friendship’s Commercial Row. With more than 30 years of face-to-face sales and sharing information, they have built a following of NMLRA members. They accept orders for custom-made, hand-sewn moccasins. But they also offer an offering of historical knives from the 1640 to 1840 era of the American frontier. Moreover, they offer historical blades, quillwork, bows and arrows.
Judith likes to highlight their handmade knives as her husband Paul has been making them for 51 years.
Contact the Judith and Paul at 218-349-8545; or write Poppens Mocs at P.O. Box 682, Satsuma, FL 32189.
Kevin/Marsha Killelea
Kevin and Marsha began primitive rendezvous camping in 1978. For years they did trading from a blanket but now are in a Friendship booth at Commercial Row. Kevin had back surgery in 1987 and began scrimshawing powder horns. But now, his horns are much in demand. His horns are historically accurate, depicting the time period from 1700 forward to the 1890s. He and Marsha also deal in antiquities. His specialty includes scrimshawed powder horns and accoutrements.
The Killeleas can be contacted at 815-434-7635; or email keomark2000@hotmail.com
L&R Lock Company
Another familiar face to the muzzleloading gun builders of Friendship is L&R Lock Company from Sumter, SC. Currently they are featuring their Jacob Dickert of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Dickert made his own locks from 1755-1822, but he also built complete flintlock rifles as well. Dickert also supplied locks to other gun makers. The Allentown-Bethlehem, Lancaster and Bucks County Schools and the makers within these schools such as A. Verner, J. Moll, Herman and John Rupp, John Knoll, Melchoir Fordney, Abraham Schweitzer and J.P. Beck utilize this style lock.
But L&R also offer 47 other models as well as triggers.
They can be contacted at 2328 Cains Mill Road, Sumter, SC 29154; phone 803-481-5790; or visit their site at www.lr-rpl.com
Larry Landrum
Larry has been a competitive pistol shooter for more than 40 years, as well as a primitive camper at Friendship. His corner of the sheep sheds is filled with a delight potpourri of unique tools and exciting findings. He offers jewelry; pre-Civil War books; Primitive accessories; fur/leather; wooden boxes; blankets; black powder rifles; BP Cartridges; ML Rifles; ML Shotguns; and Tri Pods.
Cover Enterprises also has a very unique specialty item: Pre-Civil War Medical Books. To contact Larry, phone 317-460-5192.
Rick & Liza Kindig
Log Cabin Shop has been involved with the NMLRA almost from the beginning. Wes Kindig was instrumental in the beginning of Commercial Row. Dan Kindig is a past president of the NMLRA. Both Wes and Dan are in the NMLRA Hall of Fame. Friendship National Matches and the NMLRA continue to be a huge part of the Log Cabin’s plans, now and into the future. They look forward to the comradery and fellowship with the muzzle loading community every year. They say, “See you in June!”
Log Cabin stocks a full line of shooting supplies; Patches; Round Balls; Caps; Powder; Bullet Molds; Ramrods; Oils and Cleaning Supplies; Components for the Gun Builder; Locks; Stocks; Barrels; Triggers; Chisels and Gouges; Stains and Finishes; Books on Historical Arts (Gun Building; Horn Making; Fabric Arts;) Early American History Books and many more. Rifles from Lyman and Traditions are offered, as are used custom made rifles. Antique rifles are a specialty.
Specialty items include: 62-inch long padded gun cases with full zipper and sturdy handles; machined mainspring vises for removing the frizzen and mainsprings (which are made in the USA from gun barrel quality steel; “Trade Silver” Gift certificates for the hard to buy for shooter.
Contacts: phone 330-948-1082; email logcabin@logcabinshop.com; or visit the website www.logcabinshop.com
Michael Eder
As soon as one enters the gates to Friendship’s Walter Cline Range, eyes wander to the left at the complex of shops known as Commercial Row and also as the Sheep Sheds. On the corner of that complex is a large shop called Flintlocks LLC. Brightly lit with employees having just as big smiles is the Eder family. A 2nd Generation business, it was started in the early 1960s at Friendship. The business moved to the front of Commercial Row in the early 1980s and serves as an anchor for the business community at the NMLRA Range.
Flintlocks LLC offers a ‘must see” of “stuff.” Offerings include: shooting supplies; balls; patches; caps; flints; cleaning supplies; Moose Milk; cleaning patches; Ballistol; ML rifles, shotguns, pistols; parts to build the same; cutlery supplies; knife blanks and knife handles.
To contact Mike and Flintlocks LLC, phone 317-683-5102; email sales@myflintlock.com; or visit the website www.myflintlocks.com
Jason Gatliff
Historical Enterprises, LLC is a publisher of Muzzleloader Magazine, books and DVDs and Jason is its Editor. Jason first attended Friendship in 2001 and is now a Life Member with the NMLRA. Many of the faces at Friendship have graced the pages of his magazines, books and DVDs. Special items from his booth in the Sheep Sheds include New DVDs like “Building the Daniel Boone Rifle” and “Relief Carving” featuring longrifle builder Mike Miller.
To contact Jason, phone 615-230-9853; or email Custserv@muzzleloadermagazine.com; or website www.muzzleloadermagazine.com
Randy Grunkenmeyer
Currently a Life Member with attendance dating back to 1980, Randy is a full-time gunsmith and registered shooter. Randy Grunkenmeyer has been a vendor participant for years at his booth “RG Gunsmithing.”
Since most of the items for sale are handcrafted and custom built, inventory is limited to orders, but I do have completed shop items that include powder/shot dispensers; and “Georgian Pistol” books by Norman Dixon.
Randy works closely with his customers to ensure that all of their needs are met. His focus is on “fine quality and well-performing firearms” that future generations will cherish and appreciate.
RG Gunsmithing can be contacted at 812-934-6412; email grunkrsj@frontier.com; or website www.rggunsmithing.com
Rice Barrel Company
Rice Barrel Co., Inc. produces Match grade quality muzzleloading barrels. They are traditionally “cut rifled” on a proprietary state of the art CNC rifler. They produce straight barrels to 44 inches lengths; swamped barrels to 48 inches in lengths; rifled or smooth (any twist) square or round grooved rifle barrels.
Contact phone 336-492-2614.
Lester Salisbury
Lester has been a Life Member of the NMLRA for about 25 years and a vendor in Commercial Row for 16 years. He has served on the Board of Directors. His parents brought him to Friendship as a child and now he brings his children and grandchildren there.
Items from the S&S Muzzleloading Shop LLC include Custom Built Guns; Knight Rifles; Henry Rifles; Used muzzleloaders; Scopes and Mounts; Bipods; Bullets and Sabots; Roundballs; CCI Primers/Caps; Powder Measurers; Cleaning Patches; Clenzoil; Black Solve; Bore Butter; Blacksights; Barrel Blaster; Solvent Spray; Rigs; Cannon Fuse; Speed Loaders; Nipple Wrenches; Breech Plugs for inlines; Nipples; Breech Plug Grease; Ram Rods; Wedges; Jags; Hodgdon Powder (both loose granulations and pellets;) Wonder Wads; Bore Lights; Ball Starters; Dixie Catalogues; Cappers; and more.
Contact Lester Salisbury’s S&S Muzzleloading Shop at 419-852-2661 or 419-942-1808; or email salbr@bright.net
Angela Jacobi
Angela started coming to Friendship in 1974 as a kid. Dad (Larry Stinsman) had a booth in Commercial Row and I terrorized the masses who passed by! (After all, everyone has a job to do ) I met my best friends down here. There’s no family like your Friendship family. I raised my kids here and now my grandchildren are coming to the NMLRA. Best place in the world.
Angela Jacobi repairs jewelry and eye glasses. She also creates jewelry and rendezvous medallions. The “Silver Butterfly” booth also sells rings; bracelets; necklaces; pendants; earrings; and belt buckles. She also creates silver side plates; thumbguards and sideplates with .999 Sterling inlay pieces for high-end custom built guns.
Angela’s special items include NMLRA Rings; the 1 of 1000 pins; and custom jewelry. If you can think it, I can draw it and create it in precious metal. It will become a cherished piece to hand down for generations.
The “Silver Butterfly” can be contacted at 317-966-5071; or email Customsilversmithing@gmail.com
Everett Smith
Everett “Smitty” Smith has been a member of the NMLRA since the 1970s. He is also a former NMLRA Field Rep for Oklahoma. “Smitty’s Engraving” has displayed his craft for more than 20 years at the Western Nationals on Trader’s Row; and for the last 10 years, Smitty has plied his craft at Friendship’s Commercial Row. His classified ad in Muzzle Blasts has run for 30 years; a testament to his full-time, skillful engraving artistry. Smitty engraves cappers; tobacco boxes; tinder boxes, percussion cap boxes; turned pens and more.
His specialty is custom engraving on muzzle loading guns, as well as modern. You can contact Everett Smith at 405-226-0251; email ersmitty99@yahoo.com; or visit his website at www.smittys-engraving.us
Tim Tressel
Gene Davis was an early member of the NMLRA. He began the lock and trigger business. Gene had other mounts and gun building supplies. Jerry Gutchless continued to build on other locks, triggers and mounts. Today, R.E. Davis Company builds quality locks, triggers, mounts and building supplies for your Authentic American Tradition.
Tim Tressel can be contacted at 419-833-1200; email redavis@redaviscompany.com; or website www.redaviscompany.com
Bob & Sherry Moore
Timberline Traders has been a clothing merchant at Friendship since the mid-1970s. We specialize in Ladies and Men’s clothing from x-small to XXX-large. Are specialty items include Men’s Rifleman’s Frock and Shirts; Ladies Bed Jackets, Chemises and Skirts.
To contact Bob and Sherry’s Timberline Traders, phone 941-276-0215; or email whalebone33950@yahoo.com
Tip Curtis
Tip Curtis has been a Life Member of the NMLRA since 1962; on the Board of Directors for four years, and is the Manufacturers Match Coordinator.
The Tip Curtis Frontier Shop at the Friendship side of Commercial Row is a busy spot for new and experienced muzzle loading gun builders. There is a large supply of stocks and barrels on the walls, as well as all the parts necessary for building. For inexperienced builders there are Straight Barrel Rifle Kits; Smoothbore or Fowler Kits; Swamped Barrel Rifle Kits; Rifled and Smoothbore Pistol Kits. Tip offers Custom Muzzleloading Rifles for sale in Finished Custom Flintlock or Percussion ignition.
The Frontier Shop can be contacted at 615-654-4445; or email tipcurtis@bellsouth.net
Whitey has been coming to Friendship since 1986 and joined the NMLRA in 1999. He has been a vender in Commercial Row since 2002, active in shooting competition, and is a 1 of 1000 Member.
Whitey has an antique Joe Baron Rifle and all the shooting supplies cased for sale, as well as a 1965 History of Gun, Challenge to any who would beat his score of 100 shots and would the winner $500. The mint-condition rifle is in a display case. He also has a collection of black powder rifles, shotguns and other collectables.
Some specialty items include the Joe Baron side slapper rifle; an entire history in 1965 Muzzle Blasts; a rare Hall Rifle Prototype/Bayonet in case; and a Rigby Rifle in mint condition.
Whitey can be contacted at 812-926-4569; email whudie@comcast.net