We couldn’t ask for better weather today at the NMLRA Youth Shoot! With 85 registered kids, the 2020 NMLRA Youth Shoot was larger than 2019!
2020 NMLRA Youth Shoot Awards Location Announcement
We’ve had 80 registered participants for this year’s NMLRA Youth shoot!
Youth Shoot awards will be tomorrow Sunday July 12 at 1:00pm on the Clubhouse porch weather permitting. If it is raining, they will be moved to the Education Center. Competitors need to check their scores, the protest period is between 9am-9:30am.
Hand sanitizer and masks are available at each station for anyone that needs them.
2020 Gunmakers Hall Incentive Bag by Jeff Luke
53rd Annual Feast of the Hunters’ Moon Festival has been canceled
The following has been directly shared from the Tippecanoe County Historical Association’s facebook page for immediate distribution.
Charter Club Chatter - Muzzle Blasts August 2020
Boone's Trace Muzzleloaders Shoot | July 11 | Jackson, KY
Boone's Trace Muzzleloaders Shoot
Second Sat. July 11, 10AM
Brethitt County Fish and Game club, Smokie Dr. Jackson KY
Are you ready to get this Summer underway shooting at some fun targets? Our experienced shooters welcome new shooters! Challenging, yes; will you learn to shoot better, yes; will you make friends, yes!!
Cost is $20, lunch included.
We will have our Sportsman's flea market, so bring your unused outdoor gear and make $$
Questions? PM The Boone’s Trace Muzzleloaders on Facebook
What size patches do I need for a 44 caliber revolver and .454 round balls ? | Ask the Experts
NMLRA Artisans recognized in the American Shooting Journal
NMLRA Field Agent Joe-D Baxter has been featured in this month's issue of the American Shooting Journal for their contributions to the Contemporary Longrifle Association 2020 Auction!
Rabbit in the fence row | July 2020 Downloadable Target
7 things you can do to help the NMLRA during COVID 19
NMLRA Black Powder Bonanza! August 14-15, 2020
NMLRA Member Peter Wygant shares his 14 Gauge David Lloyd Muzzle Loading Shotgun
NMLRA Member and craftsman Peter Wygant is a top contributor to the NMLRA facebook group. Peter often shares photos of his builds like this shooting box (Right) that he donates for NMLRA fundraising efforts.
We’re happy to see posts like this one though, where Peter gets some muzzleloaders out to have some fun shooting blackpowder.
Bicentennial Flag Day 1976 | Muzzle Blasts Archives
There is scarcely a more fitting way of celebrating Flag Day, June 14th, the anniversary of the adoption of the "rebellious stripes" by the Continental Congress, in this bicentennial year than by creating copies of those Revolutionary banners that were carried by the Heroes of '76, flying them at the head of your parading NMLRA re-created Militia or Continental army unit.
Tip Curtis has passed away - NMLRA Last Relay
This message comes by way of Mike Yazel, who shared this sad news in our facebook group.
“I would ask that the thoughts and prayers of the NMLRA family be with the Curtis Family as they mourn the loss of Tip who has passed away. He has long been a prominent figure in the Muzzle Loading community and a good friend to myself and countless others. I will greatly miss his comment and advice on a myriad of topics we discussed over the years.”