7 things you can do to help the NMLRA during COVID 19

We’re all living through some hardships right now, and the NMLRA isn’t immune. We wanted to share this short list of some ways you can help us continue our efforts to preserve American History through Muzzleloading and Traditional Craft Education, while receiving something in return.

#1 Join or Renew your Membership/ Subscription Today

Our June National Shoot may have been canceled, but that doesn’t mean we stopped working. Even during non-essential business closures in early spring, NMLRA Staff continued working from home to continue publishing “Muzzle Blasts”, organizing weekend events, and supporting the Muzzle Loading Sport.

By renewing your subscription to Muzzle Blasts, and your NMLRA membership, you are helping us continue our work of sharing the sport of muzzle loading, traditional craft, and living history education through tough times. You’ll receive our Monthly Muzzle Blasts Magazine, as well as receive first notice of new events, classes, products and more from the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association.

NMLRA Membership
from $50.00

#2 Shop on Amazon Smile

In this short video, we walk you through how to make amazon donate a little bit of their profits from your order to the NMLRA. Every little bit counts, and with a series of canceled events due to COVID 19, doing this with your amazon orders means the world to us.

This is a FREE way you can help us out, follow the video tutorial below to find out how.

#3 Spruce up your wardrobe with new NMLRA Apparel

We’re adding new merchandise all through the summer to bring fresh designs to our 200-year-old sport.

Your orders are shipped within 3 business days by NMLRA Staff in Friendship Indiana. We do our best to support American businesses for all of our printing and embroidery work. Your orders help us keep the lights on, and help you look good!

Check out the store today at NMLRA.org/store.

#4 Share “Muzzle Blasts” online

We’ve been expanding Muzzle Blasts from a magazine to a multimedia production to reach black powder enthusiasts for a year now. By sharing links from our videos, podcasts, blog posts to your social media pages, you help us reach new people around the world.

This is a FREE and simple way you can help us keep doing what we do best.

Follow the NMLRA on Facebook

Follow Muzzleblasts on Instagram

Follow the Longhunter Society on Instagram

The NMLRA on Pinterest

#5 Get a Membership/Subscription for your friend

The NMLRA Gift Membership is a great way to support the NMLRA, and also give your friend a little nudge into the muzzleloading community. Not sure if they will be interested in a 12 month subscription? We have single issues available too!

NMLRA Gift Membership
from $50.00
2020 Muzzle Blasts Magazines

#6 Attend our FUN Weekend Events!

Events may be limited to 250 people, but that isn’t stopping us from working hard to organize small, fun-focused events to help you fight cabin fever.

Attending our outdoor weekend events offers you an affordable, safe, and exciting way to make up for the cancellation of the June Nationals. Weekend events are around $20 a day for adults and offer a variety of activities.

With prizes from our industry partners, who knows, you might even leave with a profit!

#7 Shop with our Vendors and Sponsors

These businesses come in all shapes and sizes. From Mom and Pop shops to international corporations, each of these fine businesses helps in one way or another. If you are looking for something new, please consider shopping with our Vendors and Sponsors, and let them know you appreciate their support of the NMLRA.

We hope this gives everyone a few options on things they can do to help. If you have any questions, please reach out to media@nmlra.org.

Thank you

Bonus Point, you can directly donate to the NMLRA by clicking the button below.
