It’s a tough target but it looks like a good one to us! Nothing like a fun challenge to keep everyone on their toes!
NMLRA Summer 2020 COVID 19 Compliant Events
Check this out! | New in box TC Hawken Seneca Renegade | Unfired
Patrick Mitchell shared this New In Box, unfired TC .54 Hawken Seneca Renegade in the "Black Powder Firearms Enthusiasts" Facebook Group and we just had to share it.
Here's what you are missing by not subscribing to Muzzle Blasts Magazine |
NMLRA Member and Volunteer finds a kidney donor
Techniques for Clean Inletting with no gaps | Ask the Experts
It's another bug, the June 2020 Downloadable Target is here!
Book Recomendations for preserving and brain tanning hides
Preserving the "Journal of Historical Armsmaking Technology" Book Series
Knapsacks and no flour | Read more at Buffalo Trace 1765
This article has been making the rounds in the living history community online, through sharing this first 2 paragraphs we hope to direct you to the original author’s writing as it is quite interesting!
By Killbuck
I figured I check in to see what everyone’s favorite Mike Burke impersonator Nicholas Cresswell was doing on his journey. Cresswell is one of my favorite Journals of the 18th century. It has everything observations on local color, clothing, and he goes thru all of the 3 stages of the 18th century journal.
Unboxing a Jim Chambers Flintlock Kit with Blackpowder TV
Black Powder TV unboxes a muzzleloader kit from our friends at Jim Chambers Flintlocks LTD! Check out the video today