February 1, 2020 Match Results | Versailles American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Team

This Shooting Sports team practices at NMLRA Facilities and they work many of our matches to raise money for the team. We love seeing Junior Shooting Sports teams! If you are part of one, please send us your photos!

This Shooting Sports team practices at NMLRA Facilities and they work many of our matches to raise money for the team. We love seeing Junior Shooting Sports teams! If you are part of one, please send us your photos!

Results courtesy of Jerry Hewitt, team coach.


Feb, 1st. Georgetown, In.

We had our 5th. and final league match. Shoals, Jasper, Georgetown, and Versailles.

In prone 1st. Richie Block, 2nd, Joe Cairns, 3rd. Maggie Holt.

In standing 1st. Emilee Seitz, 2nd. Maggie Holt, 3rd. Richie Block.

In kneeling 1st. Mollie Holt, 2nd. John Hamilton, 3rd. Trenton Franklin.

Top team of the day was Versailles.

League awards, Top Gun of the season, Richie Block, 2nd. Emilee Seitz, 3rd. Maggie Holt.

League Champion, Versailles.

Congratulations to each and every team member and coach for their hard work and sportsmanship during the season!