Inventory of Goods available at the 1825 Rendezvous on Henry's Fork of the Green River

From William H. Ashley Papers, Missouri Historical Society, St Louis, MO.

We’d like to thank Steve Mitchell for sharing this information in the Buckskinners Facebook Group.

This is some solid information for living historians to base their trekking equipment on as this is a direct source from the time period.

Below is a list of cached goods listed in Ashley's diary

First cache

2    bags coffee
1         hams goods
3    pack powder 1  1s qt
2         Tobacco
3    B.   Lead
          horse shoes
          Beads large & small
2    packs     sugar
1    pack  cloth with some knives therein
7    doz  Knives

Second cache

2.5  kegs Tobacco         150 lbs.
14   doz  Knives
2    peaces    scarlett Cloth
2    ditto Blue Stroud
3    Bags coffee            200 lbs.
     Bale & Bag Sugar       130 lbs.
3    packs     beaver        50 skins
     pack beads, assorted
          & vermillion
          assortment of Indian trinkett, mockerson alls do.
2    Bags gun powder        150  lbs.
3    Bars lead              120 lbs.
     Bag flints            1000
     Bag salt                10 lbs.
     pack cloths -
     pack containg a variety of Indian trinketts - 
     Ribbons Binding &c
          axes hoes &c

Ashley's Accounts from Rendezvous, July 1825, from his notebook

Mr Logan & Co.
18 Coffee                27
3 Sugar                   4.50
12 Knives                30.00
2 1/2 Tobacco
doz ring pr Bill          2
3 Powder                  4
3 Lead                    3

T Vergel & Isac Gilbredth
4 Coffee                 6
3 Sugar                  4.50
3 Knives                 7.50
doz hooks                2
doz flints               1
1 1/2 yds  Scarlett     12 -
3 Powder                 6.0


Mr Greenwood            
1 1/2 Coffee             2.25
1 1/2 Sugar              2.25
202  Beaver         3  606.00
Pistol-                 45.00

Mr E. Provo              C
3 yds Scarlet-           8.24
2 yds 1/2 Blue Cloth     6.15
Self 10 yds Ribbon .50   5
9 Sugar                 13.50
7 Coffee                10.50
1 Yd Blue cloth          6   
1 doz Rings              2
3 lb Sugar               4.50
3 Coffee                 4.50
2 yd Ribband             1   
-------------    LaBontee
½ yd Scarlett            4
1 doz Rings              2
2 Sugar                  6   
2 Coffee                 2
-------------    Adams
1/2 yd   Scarlett        3   
2 Sugar                  3
2 Coffee                 3
1 doz Rings              2
-------------    Pino
fish hooks                .50

Recd 83 Beaver at 2.50 207.50

Mr   Provo            Brot over
3 Beads p. self          9
5 Tobacco      2        10
1 1/2 Beads pr Labonty   4.50
2 Sugar & 2 Coffee       6
   pr. W.
2 yds Blue Cloth        12
Mr White
153 Beaver          250

Logan & cunningham
4 Blanketts
Powder-Lead Knives Spirits                        
coffee Sugar-pepper


Bell & able
4 Blanketts
Powder    Lead
Knives    flints


Silk Sewing
small beads  white
very small needles
allum fine Cloth
Ribband assorted-
Pencils lead
Pen Knife-
Gallon Rum-
flour-30 pound
Sugar & Coffee
files for traps
gimblet  Vices

Small red green & Blue beads
Flour sugar & Coffee
Small kettles

     large chissels   2  doz
Blanketts      - - - -   $ 9.00
Powder    - - - - -        1.50
Lead - - - - -             1 -
Sugar     - - - - -        1 -
Coffee    - - - - -        2 -
Tobacco   - - - -          1.50
Knives                       75
gun Locks      first quality
flints c 5        100 Rifles -
Blue Coth              $5 yd
Scarlett                6
Slay bells
flour            -     1 lb
Pepper                     1.75
Kettles assorted -
Spurs   guns
flanel red green yellow
Rusha sheeting

Soap    worsted webbing
combs assorted -
small thin bar Iron
Trap springs-
double bit Bridle per Mr Gray
3 doz Serscingles-
Saddle for Mr Gray
hats-Gardner & Gray...
Black silk HKs
axes-Chissels-3/8 Inches Thick
pipes-2 1/2 wide sockett-

J Gardner                      Dr.
x    28   Tobacco               84
x    35   Coffee                70
x    9    Sugar                 18
x    6    fire steels                      172
x    3    doz Knives            75         156
x    3    gross Buttons         24         328
x    3    doz fish hooks   1.50  4.50       24
x    5    doz alls               5.00      342
x    9     doz Rings       1     9
x    2    peaces Binding         6
x    3    peaces Ribband         9
x    7    pr Scissors    2.00   14
x    2    doz combs              3
x    1 1/2  gr. Thread   3.00    4.50
x    7    doz flints             3.50
x    7 1/2  yds  Scarlett $6    45
x    5 1/8  do   do             30.70
x    6    yd Stroud -5          30
x    32   Powder-
x    43   Coffee

     [On facing page:]
Mr Prudum              Dr
36 Beaver-                 108
propotin Sugar &       due  28.75
Coffee    7 75               7.25
4  Knives                6
4 Beads      5          20
doz rings                2
6 yds Ribbon             3
2 doz alls          2    4
1/2 doz hooks            1
2  doz Buttons           2
2 " Large                3
2 yd coth          6    12
2 Scarlett               8   68.75

Mr Lolo
41 Beaver-
2 Knives    4 50                           52 75
5 Beads    25                              12 50
Sugar & Coffee      7 75                   66 25
1/2 doz alls        1
doz hooks-          2                      41
3 Combs             1 50                    3
2 doz Buttons       3    -                123
3 doz Small do      2
fire steel          1
doz flint           1 50
1 1/2 yds cloth     4 50

Mr Carson
51 Beaver-
 3 otter-       2.50
propotion of 18 Coff          7.75
          do sugar-
     61   3 Knives            4 50
          3 Beads-5          15   -    -
          doz rings           1 50
          1 1/2 yd Cloth      9
          the doz  Buttons    2 50
                             53 75
Mr Montour
45 Beaver                135
1 otter 2.50               2 50
                         137 50
Sugar & coffee     7 75    8 75
3 Knives       7 50       -----
5 Beads $5          25   128 75
1 doz rings                   2
10 yd Ribband                 5
2 doz alls                    4
1/2 doz hooks                 1
2 doz Buttons                 3
2 yd Cloth                   12
4 Scarlett                    8

Sanicce  Lardemarke

49 1/2 Beaver-
46   do -
otter  --- ---   2. 50
Sugar & Coffee
 4 Beads 5           20 
Sugar & Coffee           3
4 Knives  150            6
powder & lead            7 -
flints                   1 -
     John B. Lou alessa

87 lb Beaver -
 Sugar & Coffee            12 
3 ½ Beads         5       17 50
Sugar & Coffee             3
4 Knives                   6
Brech cloth                2 50
Powder & Lead              7

     100 Beaver - -
     Sugar & Coffee
     3 Beads-5           15 00
     8 Knives -          12
     1 Coffee & Sugar     6
     4 Lead-              4
     2 powder & Lead     14
     flints               2
     Bag                  2

Mt Anance

17   Beaver -
     Sugar & Coffee           7 75
     3 Knives -               4 50
     2 1/2 Beads        0.50 12 1/2
     doz rings                2
     1/2 doz alls             1
     Sugar & coffee 
     Powder Lead             12 50
     Tobacco                  7 25
                             46 75

Mr Godan
46   Beaver -  138  Due $86 50
     Sugar & Coffee       7 75
     2 Knives             3
     2 Beads -           10
     doz rings            2 -
     1/2 doz all          1 -
     yd coth              6
     doz flints           1
     Tobacco              7 25
     Powder & Lead       12 50
                         50 50

     fire steel     -     1
                         53 50

J. B. Finly
13   Beaver                49
     2 Knives
     Sugar & Coffee -       7 50
     2 1/2 Beads      5    17 50
     1 doz rings            2 -
     2 yds Ribbon           1
     Comb                     50
     Buttons -              1
     Scarlett               1
     powder & Lead         12 50
                           43 00

Mr. Monteau                67 75
     am Brot over
     fire steel             1
     Pistol                20
                           88 75

                            7 50
                           96 25

                           12 50
                          108 75
                          137 50
     due -                 28 75
     Tobacco -              7 50
     Pistol                20
                           28 50

                           52 75

Mr Lolo
     Coth                   5
     7 Beaver  $21 -
     Tobacco                7 25
     Powder Lead           12 50

                           77 50

Mr Monteaus Bill

     Blue Cloth
     2 Worsted assorted
     Coper - Kettle-2 gallons
     4 Beads -

Gardner &c                           Dr-
     6 Beads                          18
     62 Lead                          62
     pads  marto                      90


44   Beaver
43   do
42   do
49   do
39   do
15   do $12 deduct

Isaac Gilbreth             cr
     By 189 lb Beaver pr Smith & Co. $567
                          $ 3
     Thomas Vergil       c
     by 107 1/2-$3            321 75
     Wm Bell   c
     by 50 Beaver-$3          150
     Robt Nutt

     156  lb       $ 2        212
     Stephen Terry
     By 113. lb Beaver  $2    226
     Thomas Eddy...
     By 56 Beaver    $ 2.00   112
     E. Able
     4 1/4 Beaver   $ 3.00     12 75
     Jedediah Smith           Cr

     B.   57 - 58 - 58 - 56 - 59    -344
     By 57 - 61 - - 57 . 59 . 54     288

[Entire page struck out]

               Jedediah Smith
               Brot up        632
               58 lbs
               G. Jackson
               8 Beaver  $      3.00

               J. Smith  19 -

     57   189                    742
     69   107                     83
     53    50                   ----
     55   156   1567      166    668
     52   113   1800
     52   516    120
     54     4    140   Fitzpatrick
     33   ---   3100
     57   675    461
     56   592    166 
     54   ---    668 
     592   83    675 
     83          132  
     ---        ----
     675        8829

[on facing pages]

     Jedediah Smith      D.      Cr.
     1                           By 668 Beaver $ 275
     James Clyman        Dr.
                                 By 45 Beaver
                                    30   155  lbs
                                    11    11
                                         166  lbs.

[on facing pages]

     William Sublett...        Cr.
                               By 50 Beaver @ 2 50    125 -
                                " 116 do-  2 50       290 -

                                " Smith asst  -


     A Goodridge               By 43 Beaver

[On facing pages]

     Ham        D              By 461 Beaver


Memorandum of goods for Mess. Gardner & Williams pr their order
     1 doz razors             24      24
     50 3 pt N W Blanketts-          450
     25   Kettles            140
     50   pipes              175      87 1/2
     50   Coffee             175      87 1/2
     75   Sugar              100      75
     150  Powder             150     225
     200  Lead               200     200
     2    doz Bridles         36      72
     6    doz Knives          $9      54
     1    doz gun Locks        8      96
     1/2 doz rifles 
      X  500 flour           100     500
        20 yd Coth              .5   100
        20 Soap              100      20.
     2 doz penknives         100      24
     1 gr Blacksilk HKg      200      40
     1 pr Rusha Sheeting     150      75
     2 doz naped Hats          8    $192

     Amt Botup
     12 Bolts ribbon           3      36
     1 pr. Green Flanel      150      60
     1 do Red do             150      60
     1 do Yellow             150      60
     2 doz pans              $18      36
     2 doz tin cups            9      18
     20 fusilS                20     400 00
     12   pr W shoes           3      36
     6    do men               4      24
     10   Gallons rum        $10     100
 x   1    doz pomatum        100pr yd  6
     2    doz files asst.    125      30
     25   Beads ass'.         $3      75
     1/2 y Scarlet     yd.   600     120
     12 doz flints            50     120
     2 Verdegrease           300       6
     8 Vermillion              3      24
     1/2 doz shalls-                  36
     6 doz Looking glasses             6
     200 lbs Tobacco         125     250
     12  chissels 

     amt Brot over
     2 doz Sersingles        $21      42

Pack No.  1  Skins  31   lbs  53
          2         29        52
          3         36        51
          4         29        50
          5         33        57
          6         30        52
          7         31        51
          8         29        50
          9         36        57
          10        38        50
          11        31        51
          12        28        50
          13        32        57
          14        31        57
          15        31        57
          16        36        50
          17        32        54
          18        33        50
          19        28        50
          20        18        25
          21                  55
          22                  20
          23                  50
          24        31        50
          25        35        50

 150            3
9000          450
    16000   31500