Muzzle Blasts is always looking for new contributors. Whether you are a writer, an artist, or a photographer, we’d love to have you aboard!
How to ship your muzzleloader with Bob McBride from Black Powder TV
John Royers shares his 2020 Early Season Muzzleloader Hunt!
Meghan Jean May - NMLRA Last Relay
Black Powder TV visits the Fall Frolic Longrifle Show
Traditions Nitro Fire - Everything you need to know | New Hunting Muzzleloader 2020
What's the best load for my 45 cal flintlock?
Muzzle Blasts Magazine, November 2020 | Volume 82 No.2
Schuetzen Black Powder launches 2020 Powder Giveaway!
Outdoor Life Covers the History of Muzzleloading Innovation in New Article
Ask the experts: What's the best entry level inline muzzleloader for hunting?
Bayley Hazen Blackpowder Club 2020 Updates | Vermont NMLRA Charter Club
The Vermont Bayley Hazen Blackpowder Club plans their summer shoots for the last Saturday of each month. In October, due to weather, the shoot is usually on the 1st or 2nd weekend.
From Bob Lindermann, club member,
“All of our shoots are woods walks, load from the bag on steel targets. Our members volunteer to host at their own farm, deer camp, etc. This year due to the whole COVID situation, we had our first "trial run" after small groups were again allowed to meet. Masks, distance between shooters on the walk, etc. bring your own food. It worked as our group is usually fairly small. Right now, we sort of want to stay very small till things settle down, just due to the nature of things.
We are spreading the word via snail/email invitations to know where to meet, to our list of around 30 shooters. Others can call or email me, but right now we are sort of screening people we don't know to remain safe, and make everyone feel comfortable getting together again. I also organize a Primitive Biathlon in February in NH and Harland Blodgett does a Primitive Biathlon as well (also listed, but all his shoots including the Territorial we cancelled this year)”
You can reach out to Bob with any questions at He’s happy to talk to you about blackpowder in Vermont, please reach out!
Editor's Message Muzzle Blasts November 2020
November is the last full month of autumn, so let’s get all of our outdoor shooting, trekking, camping and hunting in, before the brown landscape grows “snow deep” into whiteness and the ice glazes the frozen roads. November is also one of the busiest months in the calendar. The shorter length of sunlight is really noticeable and our circadian rhythms are thrown into a tail spin on November 1st as we all “fall back” into the old “standard time” of sunrise and sunset.