October 2020 Muzzle Blasts Magazine | President's Message

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President’s Message

By Brent Steele 

Dear Members of the NMLRA, Greetings

This will be my last President's Message. My father once told me a man cannot control the cards that are dealt him, only the way he plays the hand he is dealt. Every President, like every board member, since day one of our association takes an oath and a part of that oath is that he/she will do everything in their power to DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THE ASSOCIATION-NO PERSONAL ANYTHING.

2020 Muzzle Blasts Magazines

Well, I have been diagnosed with an aggressive form of prostate cancer and while it is not in my bones yet, it is a storm I have to fight. That fight I intend to win, but we all think that. What I do know is my treatments are going to be every day for two months in Knoxville. I know this too, there is not a day that goes by I don't do

at least something as president, and some days there are many things. This office demands 100% attention, emotion and time investments. Any distraction in time or ability to focus would hurt the NMLRA and I would never do that. As much as my pride and my love of this place tell me to run again, I know in my heart it would be wrong. I will honor my oath. I will do what is best for the NMLRA.

The Board comes from you. Our officers come from the Board. As an extension of our members we have nothing but the best in mind. I have been lucky to have a great board. We have implemented many changes.

Soon you will make your camping reservations by computer if you wish. Soon every member will

have a bar code on their card that will allow the purchase of membership, Brent Steele targets, merchandise, powder NMLRA President and even your bar code will go on each target and

your scores will be recorded thus. Our office accounting systems have been modernized and a true picture of where we stand is now able to be seen. Expenses have been cut.  The Pittman Robertson project is well on its way and someday you will see new handicap restrooms and a vastly improved firing line and range, new trap facilities and much more. I take no credit. I have been blessed with a good Board of Directors that you selected. In my life I have been honored

to represent my constituents in the Legislature, represent clients, do a lot of things, and I count my privilege of serving on the Board and being your President right up there with the best of things. I count it a most humbling honor and privilege. May God bless the NMLRA and our country.  

Many thanks,

Brent Steele, President

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