The 2020 Missouri NMLRA Territorials have been postponed due to COVID 19. Please follow the FT Osage Muzzleloaders facebook page for more information. They are working on getting new dates planned as soon as possible.
NMLRA Spring Championship Shoot 2020 Official Dates and Information
The official dates for the NMLRA Spring Championship Shoot are June 13-21, 2020.
Official information for the 2020 NMLRA Spring Championship Shoot will be updated as frequently as possible through this link at
If your address bar doesn’t say, you aren’t getting official NMLRA News.
Follow the NMLRA on social media for news and udpates as they happen
Muzzle Blasts on Instagram
NMLRA on Facebook
The NMLRA and COVID 19 | Update March 2020
“ At this time we want the members of the NMLRA to know we are closely monitoring the ongoing situation with Covid19, while this is obviously affecting the lives of many across the country it will likely impact events at the home range in Friendship Indiana as well. While we do our best to continue operations we also need to follow rules and guidelines set by the local, state and federal governments concerning this serious issue for your safety and that of our employees. The first events likely impacted will be in April, Centerfire Range Day on the 11th and the Women’s Weekend/22 Long Range Shoot 24-26.
We will do our best to notify everyone on the website and social media in a timely manner about any cancelations or rescheduling of any and all events. At this time the June shoot is still scheduled and will remain so unless we are forced to cancel it for everyone’s safety. These are trying times for everyone and we are doing our best to deal with a situation that is changing by the day, we ask for your patience while we plan the best course forward, thank you.
— The NMLRA Board of Directors
We’ve set up as a go-to resource for all news about the NMLRA as we keep up to date on the COVID 19 outbreak. Please check back frequently for updates on NMLRA events.
2020 Creedmoor 150 Match at Oak Ridge has been CANCELLED
Match Organizer Rick Weber has made the difficult decision to cancel the March Creedmoor match in Oak Ridge Tennessee in order to comply with new CDC guidelines on the COVID-19 Outbreak.
“With all do respect, I think it is best to CANCEL this years Creedmoor 150 Match. This would have been my 33rd of such match, spanning into my 3rd decade (23 consecutive years). I am sadden beyond words. But, on a bright note - The climactic Creedmoor 150 event of 2024 is still 4 years away! Thanks all the 40+ who registered as I will tear up all your registration checks. God Bless everyone.” Match Organizer Rick Weber
Kalamazoo Living History Show 2020 CANCELLED
From the Kalamazoo Living History Show Website
All, On the evening of March 11 the State of Michigan issued community mitigation strategies recommended for the control of the spread of coronavirus. Among those recommendations was that all events, conventions, and meetings over 100 people should be cancelled due to the coronavirus. Here is the official statement about events from the state's website
"Cancel or postpone large gatherings, conferences and sporting events (e.g. events with over 100 people)."
In order to comply with these recommendations by the State of Michigan, we are cancelling the show this year. While we wish this wasn’t necessary, the show must comply in order to meet state expectations and to insure our vendors and visitors are safe. We will be in touch with our vendors shortly. We want to thank everyone for their support of the show during the fluidity of this situation
The NMLRA will be working with Kalamazoo Living History Show Staff to promote their exhibitors, vendors, and craftspeople to our online audience. We ask that you consider shopping from these vendors online to help support them during this rough time.
Thank you.
Update: 2020 Florida Territorial is canceled
The 37th Annual Conner Longrifles Living History Trade Fair and Antique Arms Show
NMLRA Women's Weekend Promo video out now!
We’re so excited about this year’s NMLRA Women’s Weekend Shoot! We’ve got lots of great matches lined up. We’ll also be running our .22 long range shoot the same weekend, so bring your husbands and boyfriends down too for a weekend of fun for everyone!
Eastern Woodland Bow Making Course Schedule - 2020
NMLRA meets with Western Powders |SHOT Show 2020
It was great to meet up with the team behind “Blackhorn 209” at the SHOT Show last week. We talked about last year’s sticker promotion, where an NMLRA sticker directing customers to our website was placed on many bottles of 209, continuing it in 2020 and bringing more promotion to their small company in thanks to their support of the NMLRA.
Western Powders has been a great industry partner for us, and we are excited to continue working with them. Lookout for the Black Horn 209 team on the Muzzle Blasts podcast later this spring.
Modern black powder substitutes aren’t for everyone, but they are doing a great job of getting more people interested in muzzleloading and hunting with muzzleloaders.
The Versailles American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program December 2019
The team is home for the holidays, but we wanted to share their great scores from early December.

Sat. Dec. 14th. Shoot in Shoals, In. Philip Baumgartner and Gabe Block took Ribbons in class positions
In prone--1st. Richie Block, 2nd. Emilee Seitz, 3rd. Trenton Franklin
In standing--1st. Mollie Holt, 2nd. Richie Block, 3rd. Tanner Franklin.
In. kneeling--1st. Richie Block, 2nd. Trenton Franklin, 3rd. Maggie Holt.
Top Gun for the day--1st. Richie Block, 2nd. Tanner Franklin, 3rd, Maggie Holt.
Top Shooting Team of the day--Versailles American Legion.
Great shooting everyone, enjoy your time off!
Mississinewa 1812 | New videos from Muzzle Blasts!
Join us this week for “Muzzle Blasts on the Road”! We’re sharing two videos from Mississinewa 1812 from October 2019.
Mississinewa 1812 is a historical commemoration of the Battle of Mississinewa fought in Grant County, Indiana. The two day battle was fought on December 17-18, 1812 in bitter cold conditions and 11 inches of snow. We'd like to thank the Mississinewa Battlefield Society for allowing us to come film at the event.
In our second video, we sit down with Margaret Bickenheuser to talk about Colonial American baskets. Margaret is a renowned basket weaver, her work has been featured in Early American Life on several occasions. You can view her website here-
NMLRA New Years Day 2020 Shoot - Black Powder Maniac
Weather permitting........the New Year's Day FREE shooting event is scheduled for Jan 1, 2020 at the primitive shooting range in Friendship Indiana. This is a FREE event with lunch included. Why not come and join us?
Mark Humphries of the Black Powder Maniac Shooter youtube channel is putting on a great little shoot on New Years day for anyone willing to brave the unpredictable weather! Join us at the Walter Cline Range in Friendship, Indiana for a day of chilly weather and blackpowder fun.
If you aren’t, don’t fret, Mark and the NMLRA Media Team will be filming all day to bring the highlights of the shoot to you, right in your warm house.
The unsung heroes of the Fur Trade | Feast of the Hunter's Moon 2019
We made the trip this past fall to the TCHA "Feast of the Hunter's Moon" living history event at the Fort Ouiatenon site in West Lafayette Indiana.
The Feast of the Hunters’ Moon is a re-creation of the annual fall gathering of the French and Native Americans which took place Fort Ouiatenon, a fur-trading outpost in the mid – 1700s. It is held annually in early autumn on the banks of the Wabash River, four miles southwest of West Lafayette, Indiana.
Thousands of participants re-enact this event creating a feast for your senses. Smell the wood smoke, hear the report of the rifles, savor authentic food and more.
Continuous, free programming is held on five stages. French and Native American music and dance, fife and drum corps performances, military drills and demonstrations, fashion shows, games and contests can be enjoyed at the 50th celebration of this event. Special hands-on activities include the children’s trade blanket, costume try-on, candle-dipping, story telling, bead bracelet making, cross-cut sawing, and tomahawk throwing
We'd like to thank the Tippecanoe County Historical Association for allowing us to film during their event.
Find out more about the TCHA and the work they are doing to preserve history here
2020 Alafia River Rendezvous
Pack up your camp and head to Sunny Florida for the Southeast’s largest pre-1840 Rendezvous. Join over 1000 other campers for shooting, hawk & knife, and archery competitions, seminars, pow wow, kids activities, traders, and lots of entertainment.
Join us January 15-26, 2020. Early set up begins January 15 and goes until January 17.
1000 Old FT. Meade Road, Homeland, FL 33847
For registration forms and info- or follow them on facebook- AlafiaRiverRendesvous
School Day will be Thursday, January 23
January 24 & 25 will be Public Days
The Registration Gate will close at 4pm each day.
This is not an NMLRA event, we are promoting the event because we love living history.
Behind the Scenes of a Black Powder Maniac Video
In today’s video, we follow Mark Humphries, the Black Powder Maniac, and get an exclusive look at what it’s like for him to host an event AND shoot his own video at the same time.
Don’t miss out on more exclusive NMLRA videos, subscribe to our youtube channel today
Mark joined us on New Year’s Day to put on his annual New Year’s Day Shoot, an open invitational to anyone interested in muzzleloaders for a day of fun shooting at playing cards, golf balls, and steel silhouettes.
We’d like to thank Mark for everything he does for the Muzzle Loading community. His channel is a staple for many of our members, it was great to spend the day with him.
If you’d like to hear more from Mark, check out his interview on the Muzzle Blasts Podcast. In this hour long conversation, Mark discusses how he got started in muzzleloading and being a you tuber.