There are a lot of rumors going around online about the supply of Blackhorn 209 and if the Hodgdon acquisition last year was just to squash some competition. In this video we set out to answer these questions and stop the rumor mill about Blackhorn 209.
Photo via Mark Haney, Facebook
Blackhorn 209 has been hard to find for many modern muzzleloaders for some time now, but it looks like Hodgdon is ready to re-release the product in early spring 2021.
In an email shared in the “Modern Muzzleloading” Facebook group, Mark Haney shares an email he received from the Hodgdon Powders help line. The email states the following
Hello John, we plan to continue offering Blackhorn 209 Powder. When we took over Western Powders all Blackhorn 209 for 2020 had already been shipped. We have this powder currently being made and expect it to start showing up in retail around late February or Early March.
Thank you
Luke Otte
Technical Support
There you have it, Blackhorn 209 has not been discontinued, Hodgdon isn’t setting out to take away one of the best selling modern muzzleloading propellants, powder production in 2020 just didn’t meet demand.
Hopefully Hodgdon is listening to Blackhorn 209 shooters and produces enough this year to keep up with demand and we can all get to the range and plan our hunts knowing we will have powder.
That being said, with the current ammunition and cap/primer shortages out there, we can do our part to help Hodgdon keep up with demand by not over buying or panic buying our supplies this year.
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