This article is not representative of an official statement from the NMLRA
Since the launch of the Traditions Nitro Fire at SHOT show 2020, many hunters have been asking “Is the Traditions Nitrofire legal in my state?”
As is normal for each of these muzzleloading “innovations” over the years, it takes time for each state game and fish department to decide on whether or not to allow it. Since talking at the SHOT Show, we’ve known Traditions would be working hard to make sure the Nitrofire was seen as safe and accepted by state fish and game departments, but it seems like everything else right now, COVID 19 has slowed this effort down a bit.
While writing, the Nitrofire has been approved as legal for dedicated muzzleloading season use in the following states
Above: The Traditions Nitro Fire as seen at SHOT Show 2020. Photo by Muzzleblasts
Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, and Maryland.
Traditions has set up an interactive map along with a great series of tutorials and answers to frequently asked questions on their website, so be sure to check back there often for changes in your state!