What to do if your Muzzle Blasts Magazine hasn't arrived

2021 Muzzle Blasts Magazines

With the mail being a bit crazy over the last few months of 2020 and now well into 2021, your mail, including Muzzle Blasts Magazine might be delayed. We’ve done our best to answer questions over social media and hope to give you more insight into the issues we are seeing.

In case you didn’t know, the USPS (Which is how Muzzle Blasts Magazine is delivered) was hit with about 6 million more packages each day over the 2020 Holidays than they normally receive. This lead to widespread backups that are still being worked out.

How and when is Muzzle Blasts Shipped?

Your Muzzle Blasts Magazine is shipped from our printer in the last week of the previous month. As of writing, the March 2021 issue will be getting ready to head out on mail trucks. Muzzle Blasts magazines are not shipped from the NMLRA office, in fact, we receive them just a few days before you do.

What should I do if my Muzzle Blasts Magazine is late, arrives damaged, or never arrives?

Anytime this happens, you can get in touch with us in the office and we will help you get these problems resolved.

You can call us at (812) 667-5131 to speak with someone over the phone, or email lparks@nmlra.org to speak with our membership manager, Lora Parks. You can also email our Merchandising Coordinator, Lindsey Brown at lbrown@nmlra.org.

NMLRA Staff will do their best to resolve your specific need related to Muzzle Blasts Magazine.

We’re hoping that the USPS has had enough time to work through the backlog and will be back on a normal schedule shortly. We ask that you wait until the 15th of each month before contacting us, just in case your magazine is simply late and not lost.