NMLRA Business Membership

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Business Membership Logo.png

NMLRA Business Membership


Advertising Discounts

All business members receive a 5% discount on advertising in Muzzle Blasts, the official publication of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. This discount is in addition to any other multiple insertion, agency, and pre-pay discounts.

Reach 13,000+ Potential Buyers

By advertising in Muzzle Blasts, your business will be in direct contact with over 13,000 NMLRA members and muzzleloading enthusiasts each month. Our Single Copy Dealer Sales program helps you reach an additional non-members monthly.

Listed in Business Directory

Business members will be listed as appropriate in Muzzle Blasts, NMLRA shoot programs, the NMLRA website and other NMLRA publications in a business directory section.

Use of Business Member Logo

As a business member you have exclusive use of the NMLRA business affiliate logo for your literature, advertising, and company letterhead. Artwork will be provided to business members upon request.

Exclusive Right to Rent Direct Mail List

Current NMLRA business members have the right to rent the NMLRA membership list for direct mail advertising. This is a live-list of your target market – people interested in muzzleloading shooting, hunting, gun building, or historical reenacting. This list is available exclusively to our business members.

5% Discount on Exhibit Fees

Business members who exhibit at NMLRA National events will be eligible for discounts on rental fees for exhibit space. Please call the office (812) 667-5131, ext. 231 for discounts at specific events.

Network With Other Members

All members are encouraged and welcome to attend NMLRA meetings, shoots, and programs. This gives you the opportunity to meet other NMLRA members and other business members.

Join today