A year of waiting, preparing, a new rifle and new bullet. Everything was looking good for a banner year for me and I was excited to be going. Sadly, it did not happen. We learned from Rick that the event would be cancelled due to the Corona Virus.
NMLRA Member Peter Wygant shares his 14 Gauge David Lloyd Muzzle Loading Shotgun
NMLRA Member and craftsman Peter Wygant is a top contributor to the NMLRA facebook group. Peter often shares photos of his builds like this shooting box (Right) that he donates for NMLRA fundraising efforts.
We’re happy to see posts like this one though, where Peter gets some muzzleloaders out to have some fun shooting blackpowder.
“Going to try to shoot this little beauty tomorrow.....14 gauge David Lloyd of Broad Street, London....Has London proofs and LL marked on the bottom of the barrels...Was hoping for CL, don’t know who LL is. Very light weight, can only handle 3/4 oz of shot and 2 drams of powder in her.....13/16 is the best round of skeet so far with it.....”
“Well I hit 12 out of 16, not a stellar performance but I’ll have to take it. All cleaned and put away....”
Fur Trade Business Records from the early 1800s
Rate of Fire or Accuracy? The India Pattern Brown Bess and the 1800 Baker Rifle: Firepower Compared
In this episode of the "Firepower Series", we compare the Brown Bess and the Baker Rifle.
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For your P53 Enfield Rifle-Musket or Short Rifle ammunition needs, Contact Brett at - www.papercartridges.com And for further reading on all British Victorian (and earlier) arms stop by the British Militaria Forum and say hello. http://britishmilitariaforums.yuku.com