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The NMLRA and COVID 19 | Update March 2020


“ At this time we want the members of the NMLRA to know we are closely monitoring the ongoing situation with Covid19, while this is obviously affecting the lives of many across the country it will likely impact events at the home range in Friendship Indiana as well. While we do our best to continue operations we also need to follow rules and guidelines set by the local, state and federal governments concerning this serious issue for your safety and that of our employees. The first events likely impacted will be in April, Centerfire Range Day on the 11th and the Women’s Weekend/22 Long Range Shoot 24-26.

We will do our best to notify everyone on the website and social media in a timely manner about any cancelations or rescheduling of any and all events. At this time the June shoot is still scheduled and will remain so unless we are forced to cancel it for everyone’s safety. These are trying times for everyone and we are doing our best to deal with a situation that is changing by the day, we ask for your patience while we plan the best course forward, thank you.

— The NMLRA Board of Directors

We’ve set up as a go-to resource for all news about the NMLRA as we keep up to date on the COVID 19 outbreak. Please check back frequently for updates on NMLRA events.