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November 2020 President's Message

By Jeff Cunningham

The challenges of 2020 just don’t seem to let up. Last month, Brent Steele explained his decision to not accept the nomination to serve another term as our President. Personally and on behalf of our Board of Directors, I want to thank Brent for his work and leadership during this difficult year. He has guided us through many challenges.

Most importantly, I ask all of you to keep Brent and his family in your prayers and thoughts.

As we move toward the end of the year, there are a few positive items that I want to share with you. First, we have received unofficial word that the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and the US Fish and Wildlife Service have approved our application for the Pittman-Robertson Grant. This will allow for many updates and improvements to the Walter Cline Range. Secretary Art Fleener is chairing the committee that has put this together and that group has worked tirelessly to keep this moving. Look for more details from the committee as the process is finalized.

Second, we have been able to increase the number of smaller events at the Walter Cline Range this year. We have added shoots and been able to hold classes as well. These are laying the groundwork for even more events in the future. We are planning for a greatly expanded calendar of events in 2021. 

Third, the Board has authorized the move to a new camping management software package. Our staff has been making the best of an outdated system that is difficult, on a good day. The new platform will allow better management and tracking and even allow for online NMLRA President reservations. This update is being done with almost no out-of-pocket investment. We also recognize the need to look at expanding camping availability during off-shoot times and for classes and other non-traditional events. As part of the effort to promote this, the Board has moved to name our entire camping facility the “Laughery Valley Campground”.

The Membership Committee is working on some initiatives that all members can use to help grow our flock. Remember, we as individuals, are the best recruitment tool that we have. Be on the lookout for more information soon.

Lastly, as the Fall brings great shooting and hunting weather, good luck and stay safe on the range and in the field.